08;; when strangers become foes

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08;; when strangers
become foes

"How could you?!" Areum yelled, Jungkook biting his lip again as he stared at the floor, moving his feet against the dusty kitchen tile. "Yoongi was waiting for you, worried sick only to find that you had gone running around town? God knows what you got up to."

Jungkook held his head low. It wasn't anything that he wasn't used to. The constant shouting was old news from his mother. She held a tight grip around his neck, that both Jungkook and Areum could feel loosening.

He didn't want to be his mothers slave anymore. She had far too much control on his life. And he desperately wanted to change that.

"I just wanted to go to the cafe. I was thirsty."

"Then you could've come home and then gone back out." Areum sighed, leaning forward and rubbing her eyebrows to show her frustration. "It was just a ride home, Jungkook. I don't understand the problem."

"The problem is that you never let me go anywhere. You always control me. I just wanted to spend some time alone." Jungkook decided to avoid telling her of the stranger he came into contact with, especially since he stroked his hair and acted like they were familiar.

"I let you do lots of things. You know how I feel-"

"And it's ridiculous. You act like I'm going to get kidnapped the moment I step out of this house."

Areum tightened her lips. She couldn't speak what she really thought, her son glaring down at her so she just weakly nodded her head. What else could she do? She was worried sick about some Demon king coming and stealing her son yet she was pushing him away and forcing him to rebel.

She sighed, resting her hand on her head for a moment before nodding. "Okay."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows. "Okay? Is that it?"

"What do you want me to do Jungkook? Tie up and forbid you to leave?" Areum shook her head. "Just tell someone next time. We were both worried sick." She threw the towel she was holding onto the kitchen side before walking out, Jungkook biting his lip.

He was confused. Usually his mother would've cried or at least shouted at him for a little longer. But instead she seemed to collect herself, calming down before simply leaving him alone. He didn't know what to say or think. Was this a trick? Was she going to come back and follow him out?

Even as he sat on the rooftop, Hoseok beside him, he was still confused.

"Maybe she just feels like she's suffocating you." Hoseok shrugged, taking a sip from his cool drink. "I mean, she does seem to have a lot of control over your life." Hoseok knew that she did, but to have the younger rely on him more, he had to earn his trust. And if this was the way then he simply had to comply.

"She does control me. I think she's scared of people coming after me. She said that my dad had a lot of debts so she wouldn't be surprised if I was the payment." Jungkook sighed, chewing on the end of his straw. Hoseok had arrived on the rooftop, two drinks in hand. One an ice frappe, the other a sweet red drink.

"Your family seems to have a lot of debts." Hoseok mumbled under his breath, Jungkook furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.


"Nothing." Hoseok quickly dismissed, sighing out loud as the pair observed the city skyline from where they were sat, the city lights twinkling, car lights both red and white as they made their way down the streets. Some were lonely, but others had another car or two following them. It was quiet, allowing a reflection on thoughts and past events.

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