" I've seen the way you look at him, I see how you get jealous whenever someone flirts with him or when he flirts with someone else." I tell him, he clenches his jaw slightly.

" Please don't tell." he whispers.

" I won't, it's not my business to tell."

" Have you told anyone?" he shakes his head no, " Wait- I thought you were dating that girl I got in a fight with?" he let out a laugh. " It wasn't really a fight, you beat the shit out of her. I wasn't dating her though, just fucking her. I'm bi, but I've had a thing for Elijah since the sixth grade." he said with a grin on his face.

All of a sudden there was a loud crash from inside and I could hear my brothers yelling, Elias and I looked at each other before rushing inside.

I was going to run downstairs but was stopped by my brothers barreling up the stairs, " What the fuck is going on?" I asked as I grabbed Jasper's arm to stop him.

" River had a nightmare, woke up, freaked out and ran." he panted.

" Where'd he go?" I asked firmly.

" Your room." he wheezed, Jesus he needs to work out more.

The three of us quickly ran to my room, the rest of my brothers were sitting outside the door trying to coerce River out of the room.

" Buddy, it's okay. Please come out." Max said gently as he softly tapped on the door.

" I don't know what to do, he won't come out." Max said as he walked over to me. I walked up to my bedroom door and knocked softly, " River, are you okay?" I asked.

I stood there for a few minutes before I heard the soft pitter patter of River's feet as he walked towards the door. The door slowly crept open and a teary-eyed River stood in the doorway, " You left me." he whispered.

" What're you talking about bud?" I said as I bent down to his level.

River was quick to throw himself at me and wrap his arms around me, he quietly sobbed into my shoulder. I stood up with him in my arms and turned to face my brothers.

" What the fuck do I do?" I mouthed, I have absolutely no idea on how to comfort River, I'm not good with children to begin with let alone a crying child.

Max shrugged his shoulders and Ares slowly made his way over to River and I. Ares looked at me and then at River, " River" he whispered softly as he went to put his hand on River's back. River flinched at his touch and tried to squirm away from it. I could see the hurt look in Ares' eyes but he was quick to cover it up as he took a step back.

" I'm gonna put him to bed." I said as I carried River into my room and closed my door, I laid down on the bed with him.

River was currently lying on top of me, I tried to pry him off of me a few times but he made it clear he wasn't going to be moving anytime soon.

" Wanna tell me about your dream?" I asked as I rubbed his back up and down slowly, he shook his head no.

" You left." he whimpered.

" I'm right here kiddo."

" I woke up and you were gone. I thought you left." he cried out quietly.

" I'm not going anywhere, I promise." I said as I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

There was no way in hell I was going to give River up. We haven't been able to find any relatives which means he'd be put into foster care if we didn't take him in. I decided a few days ago to adopt River, of course I want to ask him first and make sure he'd feel comfortable living with us permanently.

" Nina?"

" Yeah?"

" I'm sorry," he whispered. It makes me so mad that he feels the need to apologize for having a nightmare, for acting human. What happened to him was not his fault and he shouldn't feel guilty about things he can't control.

" You have nothing to be sorry for." I said as I gently cupped his cheek and made him look at me.

" I didn't mean to run away, I was just scared," he admitted.

" I know. River you have nothing to be afraid of, not anymore. None of us would ever hurt you and we will never let anyone hurt you again." I said as I gave him a reassuring hug. I just wanted him to feel safe and realize no one is ever going to hurt him again, I'll kill anyone that tries.


Hey guys, thanks for reading.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was a little short.


Is this book boring?

What can I improve on?

Does the book seem like it's all over the place?

I'll see you in the next chapter.

Word count- 2257

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