Fourth Year - Friends and Enemies

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A/N : Again, I would like to remind you that this fic is inspired by ScribblingQuills Q, so that's the reason why it's similar.

After the second task, things seemed to get better.

Harry and Y/N were talking again, and Harry tried his best to show Y/N that he's sorry. Ron also apologized repeatedly for believing Malfoy over her, and the Quartet was reunited once more.

Y/N was still a bit hurt, of course, but she tried her best to act as usual and kept telling herself that it's only a misunderstanding.

Unfortunately, double Potions that day made everyone's mood plummet again.

The Quartet arrived earlier than usual, the gates creaking when Y/N opened the gates of the dungeon.

Snape was sitting on his usual front desk, marking what seemed to be a stack of essays.

"Don't just stand there," he sneered without looking up from the parchment. He waved his wand lazily, giving that particular parchment a big red streak. "Sit."

Y/N gave Hermione a shrug and the Quartet sat on their usual desk. She began to take her Potions book out of her bag, placing them neatly near her cauldron.

"Ms. Smith, I don't remember instructing you to take your books out," Snape snarled. Y/N blinked and stared at the Potions master, who still didn't look up from his parchment.

"Oh, right," Y/N shrugged again, hastily putting the books back in her bag.

"But we always use our books," Ron defended, putting his hand on Y/N's arm to stop her. "And you always tell us to take out our books."

Y/N's eyes widened and she shook her head lightly, warning him not to stir up trouble. Unfortunately, Ron was staring right ahead at Snape, not giving Y/N a glance.

Ron, drop it. It's fine.

Ron promptly ignored her.

"Have I instructed anything today?" Snape asked, a smirk creeping into his face.

"No," Ron answered, looking more agitated than before, "but-"

"That will be five points from Gryffindor, for not waiting for my instructions," Snape sneered, finally looking up and giving Y/N a cold stare. "And another five points for talking back," he said, switching over to give Ron the same cold stare.

Ron opened his mouth again, but Y/N sighed harshly and tugged his arm, her pendant burning a noticeable yellow in the dark dungeon.

Ron, no. Drop it, please.

"What?" Harry bellowed this time, clearly not accepting the prejudice. "For taking her books out?"

Y/N groaned and stared at Harry instead, shaking her head profusely. Hermione also looked quite worried, but her palms were clenched into fists underneath the desk.

Harry. You know Snape doesn't like us-

"Oh look, Malfoy came late- five points from Slytherin for not asking for your permission to be late?" Harry exclaimed, also ignoring Y/N's voice.

Harry knew that Snape was angry at him for stealing gillyweed from his stash for the second task. But, it wasn't Harry, it was Dobby the elf who did.

Snape knew that attacking Y/N was the best way to frustrate Harry. Harry stared right at Snape, challenging him.

You and Ron are both irritating. Harry, stop it-

Y/N sighed when Harry didn't budge and just stared right at her cauldron.

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