Fourth Year - The Second Task

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Y/N tried everything to talk to the two boys after the Yule Ball.

She tried going to their dorms (they shooed her out), sending them letters (which they always tore up), cornering them after lessons (Ron had hexed her twice), and even considered sending a Howler (but remembered Ron's poor experience with it during his second year, so she didn't).

None of them worked.

"I don't know what I should do," Y/N sighed to Hermione after yet another failed attempt. "I've tried everything."

"Well," Hermione sighed as well, patting Y/N's shoulder, "you really did everything."

"It's just one big misunderstanding," Y/N said, massaging the bridge of her nose irritably.

"They're being a lot more stubborn than usual," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"Nevermind that," Y/N sighed. "They'll talk to me when they're ready. Hopefully."

"Hiya," someone thumped Y/N painfully in the back.

Y/N winced slightly and looked up to see Ginny's face staring back at her. "Hey Gin. What's up?"

"I think you need to see this," Ginny said carefully, handing the two girls a thick newspaper.

Hermione huddled beside Y/N to read it, their brows knitted more and more the further they go down the article.

Y/N looked up after finishing it, raising a brow up. "What?"

"Hagrid," Hermione whispered, still clutching the newspaper.

"What about him?" Y/N asked again.

"He's half-giant," Ginny replied bluntly, swapping nervous glances with Hermione.

"And?" Y/N asked again, looking back and forth between Ginny and Hermione. "What about it?"

"Well, giants aren't the friendliest creatures," Ginny explained. "They've always known to be dangerous."

"Hagrid isn't dangerous!" Y/N replied swiftly, remembering the time when Hagrid had picked her up and nursed her to Hogwarts. "He's literally the friendliest wizard I've met. You know he's the one who guided me to Hogwarts, right?"

"I know," Hermione replied, folding the newspaper back and handing it to Ginny. "I think this is just one of Skeeter's schemes. I've known Hagrid for four years now and he's nothing but kind."

"We've got to go and visit Hagrid," Y/N got up from the sofa, glad for the distraction. "You coming?"


"Hagrid, Hagrid!" Hermione yelled, banging the door with her fist. "Open up, it's us!"

"Hagrid?" Y/N called out, peeking next to the door only to find the window also shut. "It's Hermione and Y/N. Let us in, please?"

After around five more minutes of banging the door, Hagrid finally relented and opened it, looking grim and exhausted.

"You lot shouldn't be here," he said, shutting the door close once more.

The two girls quickly sat down on the stools around Hagrid's dining table. Fang barked loudly and settled next to the two girls, while Hagrid walked around to get the tea.

"Hagrid, everything will be all right," Hermione started awkwardly, twirling the cup of tea in front of her.

"It's all my fault!" Hagrid bellowed, laying his head on top of his arms on the table, sobbing. "I wanted you to feel- to feel safe around me."

"But we do feel safe around you," Y/N said gently, patting Hagrid's arm. "In fact, I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you."

"Ita that horrible Skeeter woman!" Hermione exclaimed heatedly, abandoning the cup entirely and looking extremely pissed. "She should be banished from the school!"

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