Fourth Year - The First Task

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A/N : The song on the last chapter was from Y/N's perspective- the song above is for Harry's perspective :)

Y/N returned to her bed so early in the morning, Hermione had to wake her up. Thankfully, it was a Sunday, so Y/N wasn't in trouble.

"I'm dragging your ass to breakfast," Ginny said while she thumped Y/N awake with a pillow.

"Ginny? What're you doing?" Y/N mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"Wake up, sleepy head," Ginny said again, now resorting to shaking Y/N's shoulder.

"That's supposed to be my line," Y/N chuckled, now half-awake. "Coffee, please."

"That's why you eat breakfast," Hermione answered this time.

Y/N noticed that the bushy haired girl looked a bit tense. Y/N opened her mouth to ask, but Hermione shook her head, motioning towards Ginny.

"Are you guys having a sleep over and just didn't tell me?" Y/N chuckled, diverting the topic. Hermione gave her a small smile in return.

"Sorry Mum," Ginny answered in a mocking hurt tone. "Tell you next time."

Y/N laughed as Ginny ruffled her caramel brown hair. It had grown to almost her waist now, and Y/N had plans on getting it cut, but didn't have time to do so yet.

"Your hair is so soft," Ginny said, running her fingers through some knots that had tangled overnight. "Can I plait it?"

"Do it in the Hall," Hermione answered, dragging Y/N away to the bathroom and shoving her some clothes. "Change- let's eat."

When Y/N held out her hand to take the clothes from Hermione's hands, Hermione tapped her temple, signaling Y/N to read her mind.

Y/N raised a brow, and Hermione tapped on her temple again, making Y/N sigh.

Have you seen Ron? I haven't seen him today, and I'm worried. Nod once if you have, twice if you haven't.

Y/N nodded once, and Hermione's shoulders loosened a bit. The two girls practically dragged Y/N for breakfast. She sat on the floor while Ginny sat on the chair, so that Ginny could braid her hair.

"Nice earrings, by the way," Ginny complimented as she worked through the plait.

"Thank you," Y/N chuckled, sipping her coffee.

"Where'd you get them from?" Ginny asked.

Y/N was quiet for a while, her cheeks reddening.

It was the Remembrall. From Harry.

She had used a Reducing and Multiplying Charm, reducing the size of the orb to be small marbles. Then she had tinkered with it and made it into a pair of earrings.

"Wait a minute," Hermione said, her eyes squinting at the beads. "That's the Remembrall, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Y/N mumbled quietly.

"Where did you get a Remembrall from?" Ginny asked.

"It was Harry's birthday gift. For me."

"No way!" Ginny squealed.

"Shut up, Gin," Y/N hissed, looking around them. "You're going to let the whole Gryffindor table know."

Ginny had now finished the plait and motioned for Y/N to sit on the chair beside her.

"That's pretty, compliments your necklace," Ginny said, admiring the earrings. "Does Harry know?"

"I don't think so?" Y/N chuckled. "My hair covers them most of the time."

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