Third Year | Couldn't Sleep

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"Now, you must be wondering why I called you here," Dumbledore started as soon as they entered his office.

Y/N nodded vigorously, questions after questions popping in her head. Harry shook his head beside her.

"What is it, Professor?" Harry asked Dumbledore.

"Sit," he motioned to two chairs in front of his huge desk. Y/N and Harry sat next to each other. Y/N's leg bounced uncontrollably as she looked at Dumbledore expectedly.

"What would you like to know first, Y/N?"

"Why am I starting in third year, Professor?" Y/N blurted out. "How am I supposed to catch up with the two years of missing knowledge?"

"You're starting in third year?" Harry asked, perplexed.

Y/N nodded to Harry. "You're in third year too?"

Harry nodded back and Dumbledore sighed. "As I've mentioned before, you are supposed to enter Hogwarts two years ago. Late found witches and wizards are not common, but they exist. They are usually far more intelligent than the others, and that makes up for their years of missing knowledge. Besides, you're 15, Y/N. You are too old to be a first year."

Y/N sank into her seat. Great, no pressure or anything, she thought. "And the dementor attack?"

"All people have different reactions towards dementors. You and Harry have a darker past than the most people. That's why both of you reacted strongly to it."

"You have a dark past?" Y/N and Harry said at almost the same time. Dubledore raised his brows at this.

"Yes. you," Dumbledore nodded to Harry, "are the Chosen One."

Y/N gave Harry a questioning look. Harry gave her a shrug.

"And you," Dumbledore nodded to Y/N, "are a late found witch and an All Houser. Even the Sorting Hat can't place you in a specific House. And you must be powerful too. Remember the incidents that had happened before you came here?"

Dumbledore gave each of them a pointed look.

"Surely there's others like me? Those who fit into more than one House?" Y/N asked desperately.

"Of course, there are some. Harry and your friend Miss Granger were almost placed in a different House themselves. But there are none that are quite like you. You fit all the Houses equally."

Y/N gulped. "What will the others say at the orphanage? They don't know that I'm coming here, do they?"

"Oh they know," Dumbledore said.

"They know?" Y/N's eyes widened as she groaned, thinking of all the possibilities when she would inevitably return back to the orphanage.

"Excuse me Professor, but why am I here?" Harry asked Dumbledore.

"Well, I have a feeling that both of you are connected, somehow."

That's not creepy at all, Y/N  thought. "How so?" she asked.

"You have incredible intelligence, Y/N. I'm sure you will be helpful for Harry in the future," Dumbledore said vaguely.

Y/N's head was spinning with information, and Harry gave her a sympathetic look. "You know my parents?" Y/N asked.

"I know of them," Dumbledore said. "We've met each other several times."

"How-" Y/N started, her voice thick with emotions, "how much do you know about them?"

"Not much. Your mother, Y/M/N, was a curious woman. Accidentally went through the Platform. I had to alter her memories after that incident. She only knew me as a friend of hers."

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