As they walked through the door, Amelia saw the group sitting round having drink. She recognised a few faces seeing Sam, Natasha, Peter, and Steve who was taking it easy with a glass of water. A very well dressed man approached her, "Good of you to come Barnes" He said with a stern look before turning to Amelia, handing her a martini. "I don't believe we've met, I'm Tony Stark, you've probably heard of me." He winked at her.

"Oh my god, you're Tony Stark... The Tony Stark." Amelia gawked, practically fangirling over him.

"In the flesh" He took a sip of his cocktail, ushering them to follow him into the main living area.

"How could you never have told me you were friends with Tony Stark?" She said in a hushed tone to Bucky as they walked over.

"Friends is an over statement, Doll." Bucky rolled his eyes. The pair sat down of the couch, opposite Steve and Natasha, who were becoming quite friendly. "I'd like you guys to meet Amelia... My girlfriend." Amelia's face turned as red as a tomato as she almost chocked on her drink. He had said it. He actually called her his girlfriend. Amelia shyly raised her hand, saying hello.

Natasha went over to her and gave her a hug, "I saw you in the hospital yesterday, sorry I didn't get a change to say hi."

"It's fine," Amelia laughed softly, "it's Natasha, right?"

She sat back down next to Steve, who couldn't take his eyes off her. "Call me Nat, sweetie." She insisted.

Two of the guys sitting next to Nat were laughing to themselves, clearing having more to drink than the others. "Oh sorry, I'm Clint" He held out his heavily tattooed arm, shaking her hand. He sat back slouching and giggling like a child with the other man.

"I'm Scott Lang, nice to meet you" He said bursting into laughter, and taking a swig of his beer. "You've probably heard of me... I'm Antman!" He looked proud of himself as he finished his drink. Amelia shook her head and apologised for not know him, which made Clint laugh even harder.

Amelia looked at them both, then at Nat who was just confused as she was. "Am I missing something?" She directed at Nat, her English accent making her sound posher than she was, especially being surrounded by Americans.

"Just ignore them two, Scott is basically a manchild, and Clint is just a lightweight." Nat reassured her. "Oh, this is Bruce by the way, he's a bit of a quiet one." She gestured to the man on her right. Him and Steve were the only ones not drinking. Peter also wasn't allowed a drink, but Bucky would pass him his beer when Tony wasn't looking, letting him have some.

Tony had brought over some more drinks for the group, not like some of them needed any more. "Okay, so everyone's here except Wanda. Romanoff do you know where she is?" He asked Natasha. Bucky had let Amelia know before hand that the group often refers to each other by their last names, something that they had just picked up whilst on missions. The girl, who Amelia assumed was Wanda, had walked in from the corridor. "Wanda!" Tony yelled with excitement, offering the girl a drink, as she sat next to Clint.

At this point Amelia was feeling quite overwhelmed with the amount of new people she had met, especially because the girls had out dressed her. They were both wearing a type of cocktail dress, which hugged their figures tremendously. Where as Amelia felt as though she looked like a child with her outfit. It also didn't help that she was much younger than most of them, she was around the same age as Wanda, but she didn't feel like it as Wanda looked so much more grown up than her.

Attempting to calm her nerves, she went outside for a cigarette. As she lit it and inhaled the smoke, Amelia felt her body relax as the nicotine hit her. She heard the glass door next to her open, and heard heals approach her. Natasha had decided to join her, "I don't suppose you've got a spare?" Amelia was surprised that she was asking for a smoke. She assumed that none of them smoked as they had such an active lifestyle, and smoking just seemed like a bad habit that none of them would have. Nat took one from Amelia's pack and lit it, sitting down on the bench with her.

Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie (A Bucky Barnes x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now