Chapter 5

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My legs touched the bare ground of the outside and I couldn't be happier. It was like I was in a whole different world. The trees parted way and I felt the air in my hair,it was amazing. The sun shone lightly but like y'all would think,it didn't hurt me because I'm not full vampire but it hurt Alexis a bit,she wore covering clothes that protected her skin from the sun.

"Wow Alexis,this is amazing!" I spun around in small circles and breath in the fresh air. This was life! We walked some more and stopped to drink water from a river. I took off my boots and dipped my legs in the river. It felt amazing. I didn't want to go back to the castle.
"Let me go hunt Kris,do go anywhere,I'll be back" I nodded and splashed water on my face and my hair. She smiled at me and took off.
I was bored of staying alone and Alexis wasn't back yet. I was dripping wet because I dipped my whole body in the river. My top and skirt clung to my sides.

I decided to walk on and find Alexis. I sniffed the air but her scent was wearing off. I walked straight,I was getting tired,my legs were aching me. I took off my boots and walked bare feeted.


It was getting dark,I hadn't found Alexis yet,I was worried about her and I was starting to think she left me on purpose. Now I don't know where am going. After a few more long,long,walks,I got to a house. A dirty looking house. I narrowed my eyes. I sniffed the air,I smelt something intoxicating. I was tempted to go into the house cause I was starving. I licked my lips,dropped my boots and ran straight for the house. Just then,I felt strong arms grab me from behind and fall back. I was very pissed,I elbowed the person's stomach with my arms,'it' groaned. I immediately knew it was a man. I pinned him down and turned so I could face him.

"Get off!" He growled. His eyes opened and my heart stopped working. I was staring at him and he was staring back at me. He looked exactly like the guy in my dreams!
I got off from his body and he leaned up on his elbows still staring at me strangely. I was shocked at his eye colour,they were purple and he wore a small purple earring on his right ear. "Who are you?" I couldn't speak. His voice was calm but commanding. My eyes moved the name of Hades,why doesn't he have a shirt on and why can't I take my eyes off his body? Who is he by the way...
"Who are you" I asked.
"I asked first" His jaw tightened. My eyes widened at how strong his jawline looked. His Adam's apple moved up and down when he spoke. He looked some years older than I am.

I spun around and was about to walk away when his hand grabbed my wrist. I felt painful sparks on my veins. I flinched and dragged my hand away. I realised he did same too. "D-Did you feel that?" He asked. I stared at my hand for a moment and nodded. He just kept looking at me strangely. "Who are you and why are you at my house" I sniffed the air again and that same smell hit my nose. I jerked back and covered my nose. Whatever had that smell was driving me crazy and my fangs were about to come out. He came closer and stretched his hand to touch me.
"No! Stay away" He still came closer and I smelt the scent again. It's from him! His blood smelt that good! And I'm starving... I groaned and moved back.
"Please stay away from me"

"I want to know why you're here!"
"I'm sorry okay? I'll leave!" I wanted to go but he held my hand again.
"Let me know your name" His grey eyes pierced into mine, commanding.
"If you'd knew what I am, you'd stay away" I forcefully took my hand from his and ran away,careful not to run with vampire speed. I felt his eyes on mine. I kept running till I got to where I started, fortunately. I saw Alexis there,crying.

"Alex!" I said. She turned her head, immediately she saw me,she slapped my cheek but it didn't hurt. "Where did you go? I asked you to stay and wait for me! You scared the hell outta me!" I pulled her to my chest and she hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry" She mumbled and sniffed. I chuckled. "You cry like a baby-" She chuckled and lifted her head to look at me. "I'm sorry too" She nodded and looked down.

"Where are your shoes?"

"Goddamit,I left it at his house?!"

A/N Phew! Don't forget the usuals! I should remind you all the time ri?

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