Chapter 4

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My pillows were soaked from my tears and the framed picture of my mum was wet from my tears too. Damon held my hands and tried to calm me down,it just made it worse. "Batsy I'm sorry for saying all that,I promise I wouldn't sound that harsh again-" I sniffed and he rubbed his cold hands up and down my arms.
"Okay if it would help,you can go outside the gates tomorrow but with the guards,is that okay?" I was surprised at first but I didn't want the guards to go with me. "Okay father,thank you but I'll like to be alone" I looked at him,his cold eyes were softened but I knew he felt sad. "Okay" He got up and walked to the door. "Just send for me if you need anything" I nodded and managed a smile.


{Next day}

"Really?! He really said you could go?" I nodded as I combed my dark long hair,I let it fall down the sides of my face. "You look hot by the way" Alexis winked and I giggled. "I'm so happy he let you go" I got up,took one look at my self in the mirror and walked to the door with Alexis. I had on a red turtle necked top and a black mini skirt and black leggings,yeah you got it,with black boots. I love my style. Alexis had on s simple jeans and black top. Her short black hair stopped just above her shoulders.

"Good morning father"
"How are you batsy" His eyes never left the papers he were signing as he sipped blood from a wine cup,the redness of the 'juice' made me lick my fangs. "Good morning Lord Damon" "Mmm,yes Alexis"  "Father can I go now?" I asked. He finally looked up. "Go where?" My heart skipped a beat. He looked from me to Alexis through his glasses. "You said I could leave the castle today...with the guards remember?" I pushed. He squinted his eyes. "You can't go" His eyes returned to the papers. My heart dropped and Alexis made a frustrated sound. "What do you mean I can't go,you said I-"
"And now I'm saying you can't,I can't have you leave this castle it's too dangerous outside" I got really pissed,my hands balled in a fist and it bit my lower lip so hard I could taste my own blood.

"Why are you like this father?" I blurted out. "This minute you're nice and the next you're something else, can't you just keep your promises? Just outside the castle is that-"
"Enough!!" Damon growled and angrily bolted from his chair. "I will not have you disrespect me and not only that,in front of my subject!" I stared at him,jaw dropped,very angry and confused of what is going on. Alexis tugged my skirt slightly. I refused to break contact with my father. He glared at me angrily,instinct made me lower my head slowly. "Leave my presence this minute" Damon ordered. Alexis grabbed my hand and rushed out of Damon's office.


I bit my lip hard,my knuckles turned white from balling them so hard. It seems like I hate my father. No,I love him,being a vampire king just makes him very strict on everyone,even his only daughter.
"Calm down bat,hey how about we seek off?"
"I'm in" I blurted out. Alexis widened her eyes and stared at me,slowly,a smile appeared on her lips. "I didn't actually think you'll say yes" She nudged me and winked. "Come on,no time to loose"
We walked to the window and looked out.
"Look at those fools" I watched the guards at the gate playing Ring around the rosy and fall,I told Alexis to wait a little and that they would tire themselves out and it happened just as I said,in a few minutes,those guards were dozzing off.

I'm I really sneaking out? I'm really going to see the world outside this castle! I smiled widely as Alexis jumped down the window and waved at me to join her.

Yayyy,so who thinks Kristine made a big mistake and who thinks she's a total bad ass 😁 Me!!!

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