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Marco had received a letter of invitation to the gathering of the Alpha's a few days prior to Frederick's death

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Marco had received a letter of invitation to the gathering of the Alpha's a few days prior to Frederick's death. He stared at the invitation as he pondered on how to represent Frederick in his absence.

He knew just how important such a gathering was for their pack as it would not only be a means of economic growth and stability but also a means of creating a reasonable and necessary alliance that would be very helpful in future especially during an unexpected and unforeseen war with the Silvermoon pack.

Marco knew Kira would have to eventually take over as the next Alpha but he didn't think she was ready enough to take such a bold step of attending such an event. He knew just how difficult it would be for her to get over her father's death and making her do something like this would only be cruel of him.

Not only was she still grieving but she has also never been in such a situation and putting her out there like that could completely discourage her so early on especially since they won't be that many female Alphas around and the misogynistic Alphas in attendance may try to burden her and look down on her for being not only female but also very young.

Himself and Layla had made the decision to keep the Alpha's death a secret for now until Kira is finally able to take over her position fully. The death of an Alpha usually brings about other Alphas or their representatives to share their condolences and also meet with the new Alpha for the purpose of familiarity and he highly doubted his dear Kira was ready for such a big step and pushing her into it would be the last thing he would do.

  Kira had run off into the forest in an attempt to clear her head off. She sat tiredly on the nearest stone she could find, burying herself in the wonderful memories she had with her late father. No one in this world understood her the way her father did and she doubted anyone ever would.

He was everything she had and depended on her. He gave her strength whenever she felt tired and burdened with the fact that she'd one day have to take over the pack. Nothing scared her more than the thought of having so much power. She may be young but she knew just how dangerous power could be and how terribly it changes people and she didn't want to have to change.

She loved being the carefree, happy and wild teenager that she has always been and the thought of being the head over thousands of other werewolves felt like a huge burden to her. It's almost like she had no other choice from the very beginning and now that her father's dead, she would have to immediately take over as the next in line even when she didn't think she was ready enough.

It's not that she was complaining though cause at the end of the day, it's nobody's fault. Her father didn't choose to die so quickly and he also didn't choose to be the Alpha's son. She knew the moon goddess knew best and that no matter how tiring the thought of being in power sounded, she had no other choice but to live with it and make sure she didn't disappoint her late father.

She lets out a tired sigh, looking around the quiet forest and taking in the sight of beautiful nature. If there's one thing she absolutely loved, it was being among the trees and around any environment that screamed nature. She loved the intoxicating scent of leaves, flowers, trees and even that of the muddy and messy ground. Weird but she couldn't help it.

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