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Ten decades have passed and both the Redmond pack and the Silvermoon pack have refused to subside their long termed enmity that has taken the lives of thousands of their kind both old and young

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Ten decades have passed and both the Redmond pack and the Silvermoon pack have refused to subside their long termed enmity that has taken the lives of thousands of their kind both old and young. 

Their hate for each other was born when the Redmoon pack was attacked without warning by an already extinct pack, the Crystalmoon pack, that used to be one of the most powerful and feared packs of their time. They ruthlessly killed the thousands of werewolves belonging to redmoon pack including the pregnant Luna and her first and only child who she had fought hard to protect. 

It turns out that they happened to have been killed by the then Beta of the Silvermoon pack and he was ordered to do this by his Alpha who had promised to help the Crystalmoon pack (the extinct pack) in exchange for a good portion of the Redmoon pack's land and properties once they take over and murder the Alpha and his entire family. 

So it's politics for the Silvermoon pack and revenge for the Redmoon pack. Decades of bloody battles and thousands of deaths for the purpose of proving who's superior and who's in the right.

The Redmoon pack and Silvermoon pack faced each other in their already shifted form, gnashing their teeth furiously with bloodshot eyes and exposed teeth, ready to snap each others body apart. Their long awaited face off was about to happen under the full moon and It was said that on the night of the full moon, the strength and power of each werewolf grows ten times stronger than their original strength and abilities, making them ten times more dangerous and deadlier. 

The growling of the wolves was that loud that it could be heard miles from where they were gathered.

A loud, thunderous growl erupts as both packs charge towards each other and immediately engage in a life threatening battle, using their teeth and claws to tear each other apart mercilessly and killing hundreds of their kind in the process. 


  "Ahhhh!" Celia cried out loudly in pain, as she held on tightly to the clothes tied above her while biting hard the clothes that were placed in-between her lips.

"Luna, please take a deep breath and push harder." Marlene, the doctor asks of her, fearing for the child's life. 

"Oh my goodness, I can't breathe!" She groaned in pain, finding it difficult to breathe properly as every fibre of her being felt like it was slowly losing its purpose. She found it even more difficult to push and breathe at the same time causing her to slowly lose her concentration. 

The doctor placed his hands on her belly, slowly and softly rubbing them to help ease her pain but it wasn't working. She got weaker each passing second and the doctor worried for the child's safety even more. 

The Alpha got into the bamboo hut unable to stand the cries of his Luna anymore.

"What's happening? Why isn't the child coming?" He asked, noticing that there was no sign of the baby and it's been over twelve hours since she went into labour.

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