Chapter 24

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After coming back and helping the sins defeat the 10 commandments and kill the demon king. Meliodas was able to break the curse. Naomi was able to save escanor from death.

Right now the sins are all gathered at the boar hat.

Naomi: Welp this is it.

Diane: *sad* Do you really have to leave Onii-chan?

Naomi: Unfortunately yeah, but hey dont worry, we'll come visit or you can come visit us.

Naomi and his daughters pat Diane on her head, which cheered her up.

Naomi then looked at King.

Naomi: Take care of her.

Kefla: If you hurt her, you're so dead. *flare up her aura*

King was shaking in fear but nodded.

Eri then walked over to Elizabeth.

Eri: I'm gonna miss you Eli-chan.

Elizabeth smiled and gave Eri a hug.

Elizabeth: I'm gonna miss you as well Eri, make sure your dad doesnt get into fight

Eri: *smiles* Ok.

Eri then walked up to Elaine and hugged her.


After saying goodbye

Naomi: Hey I think we should visit some old friends.

Eri: Who dad?

Naomi: You'll know when you see them, but first I wanna bring 3 people with us.

Naomi then opened up a portal and 3 people came out.

Naomi then opened up a portal and 3 people came out

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Brother of Kuroka and KonekoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora