Chapter 22

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Seven Deadly Sins universe

Meliodas: The seven deadly sins shouldn't get one medal.

King: Wah...what's that?

Elizabeth: Sir Meliodas why would?

Suddenly a portal opens up and out came Naomi and his daughter Kefla, Shiori and Klem.

Naomi: Hm? *notice the others*

Kefla: *Sighs* It would appear we interrupted something important dad.

Naomi: *rubs his head* Yeah I think you're right.

Just then guards surrounded Naomi and his daughters.

King: Please state your name and business here.

Naomi: Hey there my name is Naomi Toujou and these are my daughters.

Shiori: The name's Shiori Toujou.

Kefla: I'm Kefla.

Klem: I'm Klem. Nice to meet ya.

Back with the sins.

Meliodas and the others were sweating.

Merlin: Can you feel it captain?

Meliodas: Yeah, thoses guys power are way above us. I doubt we would be able to beat them, even if we attacked them all together.

Hawk: Let's see. *looks at Naomi* Power level of 10,000!! *looks at Shiori* Her power level is 8,000!! *looks at Kefla* No way her power level is also 8,000!! *looks at Klem* What how is this possible!! Her power level is 7,980!!

Diane: What that insane!

Gowther: And if we were to put them all together their total power level is 33,980.

Merlin: But for some reason I feel like that the power they currently releasing isnt their full power.

Meliodas: I got the same feeling, I think it best we stay on there good side.

Merlin: Agreed.

Meliodas then steps forward toward Naomi.

Meliodas: Bartra mind telling your guards to stand down.

King: *sighs* Stand down men.

The guards then stand down and walk away, while Meliodas approaches Naomi.

Naomi: Thanks we appreciate it.

Meliodas: No problem, so I'm Meliodas nice to meet ya.

Naomi: Naomi Toujou a pleasure.

Meliodas: So mind telling us about yourselves?

Naomi: I have a quicker way to explain it.

Meliodas: You do?

Naomi: Yip, though I'm gonna need everyone to place their palms on each other back and I'll do the rest.

Meliodas stared at Naomi for a bit, but then smiled.

Meliodas: Okay. *turns to his teammates* You heard the man.

Naomi: Uhm do you mind if I let the old man stand in front of me.

Meliodas: Okay? Bartra looks like your up.

Shiori: Do you mind hurrying this up!

Kefla: Yeah, I'm getting old just standing here!

Naomi: *sighs* Sorry about my daughters.


Bartra, Elizabeth, meliodas and the sins did as Naomi instructed.

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