Chapter 04

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Issei: I challenge you to a duel. If I win and when I do, I get your daughters, sister and Ni and Li.

Naomi: *Yawns* Okay and if I win I get Ddraig.

Everyone: What!!

Rias: Issei dont-

Issei: Fine.

Naomi: We fight in 2 weeks.

Issei: Yeah.

Naomi walk to his family and they teleported to his home.

Issei: Alright I'll train for the next 2 weeks and when we fight I'm definitely gonna win and get his daughters cause man they are hot af, but I ain't taking that small girl, they don't it for me.

Rias: His doomed isnt he?

Sirzechs: Yes.

Serafall: I do feel guilty for Naomi though.

Micheal: Why is that?

Serafall: We were the reason for his village eradication. I wish I could do something for him.

Azazel: Right now there is no way Issei can defeat Naomi or his daughters.

Rias: *sighs* I am disappointed he couldnt see that, but his perversion is what keeps him going.

Akeno: So what do we do now?

Sirzechs: For now we mustnt get on his bad side.

Back with Naomi.

After introducing his 4 sisters to his Maids and his peerage, Naomi received a call from Whis.

Naomi: she did what!!

Whis: as I said Naomi, your aunty chi chi had asked the grand priest that you, your daughters and peerage attend school here, as it would help you and your daughters understand this universe better, as well as give you and your daughters a chance to see what what school is like, and both the grand priest and zeno agreed.

Shiroi: aw man

Kefla: this blows.

Naomi: damn it...fine if the grand priest and zeno say so then we'll go...when we start.

Whis: you begin tomorrow.

Naomi and his daughters sighs as Whis left while Kuroka and the her sisters were extremely happy that their big brother and nieces are going to their school.

Shiori: *sarcastic* Thanks alot aunt chi chi.

Kefla: *upset* Yeah thanks alot.

Naomi: Unfortunately Eri cant come with us.

Kefla: But...

Shiori: *sad*

Naomi: Eri gonna have to stay home with the maids. I would also like it if one of my members stays home to keep Eri company.

Timeskip 3rd person pov

The next day Naomi, his sister, daughters and his peerage were all walking towards Kouh Academy.

Naomi:*mind*We're destroyer gods, but we have to go to school...great.
As naomi arrived at the gate he immediately saw Sona and Tsubaki.

Sona: Um...hello lord Naomi, lady Shiori and lady Kefla.

Naomi: please drop the formalities just call us by our name.

Sona: of course Naomi.

We walked past them and continued walking, while we were walking towards the school building I felt the dragon emperor energy behind us.

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