Chapter 14

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At star fall tower
We made to star fall tower and once we made it to the top we immediately notice Alderguard waiting for us.
Alderguard: ive already taken care of most of the preparation. That includes the magic circle. *gasps*
We all notice Elisha, but naomi notices Alderguard not asking about why she is here.
Diablo: I brought my knight along with me. I advise you do not question my motives. Her name’s Elisha.
Rem: This isn’t one of those rituals where you fill Krebskel with as much magic power as possible is it?
Alderguard: No, you will be filling your soul with as much magic power as possible. We should be able to hazen her Resurrection that way…maybe…I hope…
Rem: So yeah, tell me again why we’re putting my life in the hands of a fallen?
Naomi: We could call it off.
Rem: I want the scumbag out of me, im just saying I hope you know what your doing Naomi, Diablo. I mean…you both are my only hope at the moment, so don’t f it up.
Naomi: We both promise to save you from this curse fate Rem and this is our only chance we got.
Diablo was successful at the resurrection of Krebskul for there was bright light for a few moment until it revealed a little girl.
Naomi: Huh?
??: Is there coffee? There better be a damn good reason for waking me up at this hour.
Alderguard: The demon lord.
We all stare at the young girl before us.
Krebskul: Who are you?
Alderguard: I am Alderguard and im thrilled to see you, im overjoyed by the success of your Resurrection!!
Krebskul: It’s impressive right? Go ahead and celebrate, I am a pretty big deal.
Diablo looks at Naomi and notices the disappointment on his face.
Diablo: Um Naomi is something wrong?
Naomi: Girls do you mind explaining.
Kuroka: The girl power is quite disappointing, we were kinda hoping we would be seeing a strong being, but sadly we were disappointed. If we were to compare who would win in a fight between you and her, you would win.
Kotori: Naomi, wouldnt even have to transform to defeat her.
Shera: Wait transform?
Diablo: What exactly do you mean?
Naomi: Excuse me, can you confirm you’re really Krebskul?
Krebskul: Yes I confirm.
Naomi: Man what a disappointment. *sighs* well whatever. Krebskul do you mind releasing your power please.
Krebskul: Um okay?

Krebskul then releases a huge amount of her power which doesnt impress Naomi or his family

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Krebskul then releases a huge amount of her power which doesnt impress Naomi or his family.
Krebskul: How’s that?
Naomi: Quite disappointing. I could defeat you in my base form.
Naomi: Now it’s my turn.

 Naomi: Now it’s my turn

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