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"I hate it so much!" Jungkook groaned, complaining to his two best friends. "I've done everything to hurt her, but she just wont leave!"

Eunwoo raised a brow a him, a coy smile playing on his lips. "Why do you want her out of your sight so bad? You're not like this."

"Yeah, you even talk about self love and self acceptance in your song, so why?" Yugyeom followed suite.

Jungkook just pouted. He glared at his two friends that he specifically called to help him but so far did nothing but question his sanity instead of actually giving him ideas.

A minute passed. That's the cue for Yugyeom to speak again since Eunwoo seemed like he won't. "I've actually have an idea, not sure if you'd like it tho!"

"Finally!" Jungkook cheered, all ears to his friend. "Anything, just to make her hate me and finally get out of my apartment!"

Yugyeom gave a small shake of his head not believing this childishness of Jungkook. He cleared his throat before telling the boy his idea in mind. "Since you can't make her leave by emotional pain, maybe try to be physical?"

"Huh? What do you mean physical?" Jungkook asked, baffled.

Eunwoo already not liking the idea but Yugyeom explained further. "Like tire her out, make her believe that you're talking to her, finally... But only to make her do a lot of chores. Since you said she's fat, she may need some physical activities."

Jungkook's eyes brightened, Eunwoo's rolling and Yugyeom's wavering when he saw how Jungkook suddenly looked excited. It's not how he thought this would turned out. Yugyeom didn't think Jungkook would consider his idea but it was too late.


You feel so happy. He's finally talking to you.

"Can you clean my room?"

"Yah, start cooking, I'm hungry!"

"Do the laundry."

"Can you polish my shoes before I leave?"

"Can you clean the whole house?"

"When will you start ironing my clothes?"

"Hey, bring this boxes inside my room."

"Can you move faster? When will you be done with washing the plates?"

"Hey! The bathroom is dirty."

"Go get groceries."

"You forgot to get me my Starbucks! Go back outside!"

Jungkook's a brat. A real kid. You weren't sure if you're still happy about this.

Sure, he's eating everything you cook now, he's talking to you, but only if he needs to order you around. He's so good at making your life a living hell, but why aren't you complaining? This is too much, but why are you staying?

Deep down you know what he's trying to do. It was clear in the beginning but if what he want is to make you leave, why aren't you leaving?

"Hey, can you clean the whole house?" He sounded commanding although that's a question. "My friends are coming over."

You, who's still not done folding his clothes gave him a small nod as you watch him scratch his head as he walk towards the kitchen.

It's been an hour and all you wanted was to rest or eat something but the door bell rang, was answered by Jungkook, but you couldn't leave or rest because...

"Cook for us." Jungkook's told you, a smirk playing on his lips.

"But Jungkoo—"

"And after that, go get us pizza on that store a few blocks away." He left you in the kitchen.

Stomach rumbling in hunger. Your tears kept falling as you follow all of his demands. Maybe doing all of this will make Jungkook see that I'm not giving up on him. Maybe he'll grow to like my kindness.


"Aren't you being too much?" You heard Eunwoo's voice speaking the moment you arrived with their pizza.

Jungkook just scoffed. You set the pizza on the table and was about to walk inside your room when Eunwoo talked to you.

"Have you ate?" He asked.

You gave him a confused face, biting your bottom lip, you lowered your gaze. Three pair of eyes piercing at your head. You slowly shook your head ‘no’.

"Here, take a slice." Eunwoo encourage you to take one.

Your eyes immediately landing on his. Your eyes sparkling and your mouth watering as he offered you the slice on the plate but your appetite vanished when you heard Jungkook speaks.

"Don't make her eat, I'm sure she's on a diet, right fatso? Pizza has lots of carbs."

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