What's Wrong?

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It's like people saw a ghost when I walked by... Bet they all thought I dropped out over Minho. I bet you they all believed I was tearing myself apart. All for a boy whose practically dated every girl on this damned campus..

It wasn't true.. well half of it at least. I was already torn apart, but that didn't mean I gave up. It was already in the back of my mind that I couldn't change him. Even if I wanted him to desperately cling onto me, he wasn't one to want to be chained.

"Shay?" Shay smiles brightly fast walking up to me.
"Where have you been?? It's been days, I couldn't even contact YangYang or Doyoung.."
"I.. broke up with YangYang... And I've been taking it really hard.."
"Really?!?! Omg I'm so sorry.." she tightly hugs me,  "I'm here for you whenever you may need it.. I promise."
"Want me to walk you to your class??"
"I'd like that.."

Shay. It was nice seeing her pretty face and her perfect tan skin light up my dreadful mood. I forgot just how much I missed her. If it wasn't for me being careful of how worried she was, I honestly would have cried like a baby just at the sight of her. It meant a lot to be in her presence..
That small happiness ended quickly as it had arrived. It all ended when I was stuck back into that class room. Alone. They all looked at me as if I was out of place. It's literally only been a couple days.. I don't understand why they are acting this way. Unless I was right and they thought I lost it over Minho.

"Good morning class please turn in your homework ! Today we will continue on to the last chapter before your final exams in two weeks!"

After that hour of lecture, the professor asks me to stay to talk with her privately.
"Miss Y/n, I've noticed you were out for a while are you okay?"
"Yes, ma'am. It's just some family issues..."
"Really? Oh I see. I was afraid it was about that Minho boy. Y/n, I apologize for assuming. He just brings out the worse in young girls here. Please be careful."
"I will."
"Also! I gave out partners for your final project grade." She looks to a boy who stands a meter away from us, "Y/n, this is Mark."
"I know Mark! We went to middle school together!"
"Oh good, I'm glad you two know each other."

Mark smiles brightly at me, "So you really are that Y/n?? Wow, you've grown up so much."
"So have you! Should we start discussing the project? We are probably way behind than most others.."
The professor smiles, " Don't worry! I barely assigned partners during last lecture."
"I think we should still get ahead though." Mark says nonchalantly.
"Great, thank you Ma'am!" I say brightly. She nods as we both began to leave the classroom.

"Wow I'm so shocked right now. It's really you!" Mark says excitedly.
"Right, it's been years! You have no idea now happy I am to know your alive." I exclaimed.
"You too . It's been going around you dropped out and... well.. you know un-alived yourself over Minho.."
I stopped walking to look at Mark.
"Id never go that far over someone like him.."
"I'm glad." He smiles softly, "You hungry? We should definitely speak about our project over lunch!" He asks.
"I'm starving.."

Mark and I decided to sit in the school's cafeteria with a plate of their imperfect food options. It wasn't all bad though, because I was at ease and distracted with Mark. I was so distracted I didn't even think about the bad taste of the food or even Minho. I was finally for once living with peace and with a smile from someone I knew I could trust.
"How the hell did we not notice each other sooner?!" Mark asks shaking his head.
"You sit all the way in the back." I say.
"Right.. I can't help it though, the front scares me. I feel like the professor will pick on me more there.. Hate being put on the spot with things I don't know..." he says scratching his neck.
"My vision is just bad... if I could hideaway like you, I'd be glad to do so." I say with a chuckle. He laughs back before glancing around shyly. As he does, his smile slowly fades and he looks to me concerned.
"Hey, did you ever date Minho?"
"Never, why?" I say eating the food off my plate.
"Oh good. I was about to say he's here with his new girlfriend."
"He's what?!" I look over to see Minho hugging all over that one bitch who called me a hobo awhile back. It's crazy how it took money just for Minho to agree to dating her again.

Scream My Name - Lee Know ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora