What to do

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Minho's and YangYang's big reveal yesterday really fucked with my head...

YangYang as a Demigod really wasn't the grand truth I was thinking of. In fact, it was the last thing on my mind. I could not believe that all this time he was off doing that. To become someone to defeat calamity. To be that spark to ignite the battle of Good vs. Evil.  Truly, I was proud to know who he really was. I understand now why it was kept to himself. Others couldn't handle the fact that the world's savior was just regular. (Well for now at least.)
The most shocking out of it all to me was what Minho's side of things were. He was a full on God. One with a tile of Calamity. Evil as I always new he was. It brings my hands to a slight shake every time I think about what had happened between us. His eyes, that borrowed time, and the kiss from a coward named Y/n..  It's even more sad to know I promised Yang I'd stay away from him. However, Minho has shown that it isn't that simple for him to leave me alone now. He wanted revenge on YangYang's family. Because Minho wanted his freedom back. I'm sure he was going to get that freedom no matter what it took. And For Whatever reason he needs to use me to get there..
So my promise to YangYang was broken before it was even made.

"Stop following me." I snapped at Minho who waddled behind me like a puppy.
"That's no way to speak to your God."
"Your not my God. Plus, If YangYang sees me with you he will freak. For fuck sake, didn't you torture me enough yesterday?? You already know I'm basically traumatized."
"Im aware, I find it fun to tease you like this." he swings his arm over my shoulder pulling me close to him.
"Can you not??" I shouted. Minho chuckled at me before kissing me on the cheek. God he is such a nuisance.

"Babe, why are you hanging out with the hoebo?" And of course someone had to see Minho all over me. And it was His poor girlfriend of all people..
"We are walking to the same class. nothing big."
"But we always walk there.." she says pouting.
"Your too clingy.." Minho casually lays his head against mine sighing.
"Why the hell are you acting like this with THAT girl so suddenly!?"
"It's none of your business what I do. Can I go now? Y/n and I are going to be late." She huffs.
"So you've been cheating?" She shouts angered.
"Yes, and Congratulations, now have another shitty ex to cry to your friends about." He drags me away and around the girl who within seconds bursts into tears.

As we leave I whispered over to him, "Why so cruel?"
"Girls like her do rituals with money just to grab a date. So I answer their prayers and date them until I get bored. It's all I can do. You know after YangYangs' dad limited me..."
"That makes sense.."
"it's crazy how desperate they all are. You know, they are all just like you!" He smirks.
"I'm nothing like that."
"Oh really? You prayed to me of all Gods, the God of Calamity, to give you more time and you don't call that desperate? "
"Fuck you. You know I had no choice."
"Could of just simply died for your lover boy sooner.. but here you are.. Living on my time just for an extra few moments of oxygen and empty words. Your so pathetic."
"Whatever." I scoffed.
Minho suddenly squeezes me close to him in a playful manner. Even as we walked into class, he kept me close. He was loving the way I was by his side. Loving the eyes that fell onto the two of us. It was like show and tell for him. Like I was a new expensive wardrobe accessory to flash about. And of course, Minho's little squad couldn't get enough of it.

"WooAhh so you caught feels for Minho didn't ya?"
"Hell no I rather die." I exclaimed.
Minho chuckled and his gang continued on, "But why are you two so close??! Are you two secretly dating?"
"We are in the talking stage.." Minho says with a grin.
"The what?!?! Uh no-." I say angrily as they all laugh. Huffing loudly I push Minho away before I head up stairs to sit in my usual seat. Quickly I grabbed my notes and a pen smacking them on the table. Minho's nonchalant attitude with this situation made me want to fling myself of a fucking bridge or drown myself in a near by river. I really want nothing to deal with him, yet here he is clinging onto me. What a leech.

Scream My Name - Lee Know ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang