The Bloodless Method

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'Oh, that's a nice little story.' He assured, 'It will go down in History books - perhaps under the label of "The Golden Age of Idgard". Coming to the story itself, you know Vedessa's map, don't you?'

'Of course!' Said Alexandra. Even children of ten knew the map by heart. Vedessan policies were a little militarist - it was much needed, in any case, for enemies far outnumbered allies in Vedessa's case. Trainings began right at the age of eight and continued till fourteen. At sixteen, most were expected to serve in the army for at least a single term - lasting about a year and a half. After which, they were free to pursue whatever they were passionate about. This policy was meant only for men. But the female lives were left untouched by no means - basic education was a must, unless somebody came from the lowest rug of society where literacy was yet to reach. And no "homely duties" were taught. Syllabuses included strictly patriotic history, limited geography and undiluted philosophy. What was more, it was always made clear that times of war could, and would, demand some labor from the Vedessan women. 

'So you must know, there are five main rivers he-' he continued, but Alexandra interrupted again.

'Victorie, Fiama, Predus, Madong, Arkansis - yes. What about them?'

'And the largest ones a-' he continued, but Alexandra interrupted again.

'Arkansis and Victorie - yes. What about them?'

'No, you know everything - what's the point of telling you?' Watson shot at her, making as if to get up, but Alexandra pulled him down.

'Alright, I'll shut up. Go on,' she assured, smiling.

'Good, so they are so big that they flow down into Losiane, Gertruda, Gentaug, Akwanda, Pierdalos, Retrangine, Olphanx, Watebash, Florandes-

'Yorkyte and Lemeva. The Divided Kingdoms,' Alexandra completed. They had all been one huge, massive Empire. Ethnic, political and cultural differences had broken them up - into these eleven separate kingdoms. But everybody else still looked at them collectively, and called them - divided kingdoms.

'You interrupted again,'

'Sorry! Continue, Elf.'

He shook his head, 'So yes, Victorie and Arkansis flow down into DK, they are the only source of water there, the grounds are rocky and wells are next to impossible. Those places don't have much rain either. So the two perennial rivers are their lifelines. And our King's a smart man. He had the two rivers dammed - dammed with double "m" not the one with an "n" - he had them dammed. And then, left them that way. Water still reached the DK and everybody was all fine.'


'Then... a month back, when the need of it arose, the clever fellow played his Triumph Card. He had saved it for such moments - Vedessan diplomats made it clear in the Akwandian court that Vedessa would stop its rivers, change the course of them even if that meant floods in Vedessa, to plunge all the Divided Kingdoms into drought. Akwanda had broken the terms of cordiality and all the Divided Kingdoms would pay for it.'

Brilliant. Just brilliant!

'So the Kings were all outraged. Not on Vedessa, rather, on Akwanda.' Alexandra said, looking up at the sky and shaking her head, smiling. Until then, she hadn't considered modesty to be a positive trait, but after Liam, it truly seemed so. Choice few people held the metal to do so much and not let out a single comment on self praise after it.

'Spot on, Captain. The other kingdoms said they would invade Akwanda - raze it to the grounds, none of the Divided Kingdoms are too well off. They do not have many alliances. So the Emperor Liam, didn't even have to lift a finger. If Akwanda didn't surrender, he would simply watch the other Divided Kingdoms tear it apart. And if it surrendered - well and good!'

'So ... it surrendered, didn't it?' She said, Olivia had made it clear in the letter ... goodness, Olivia wasn't enjoying nowadays, was she? Alexandra had thought she had done a noble thing and what-not. None of it. Liam had forced it out. That man had style, Alexandra had to admit. And his act of releasing Than seemed not-so-bad now, his speech on cowardice and bravery not so wound up. If they needed something, they needed firm decisions like these, unafraid policies like these. She hadn't been so in praise of anybody for long.

'It did?' Asked Watson, staring at her, clueless, 'How do you know? When?'

Alexandra cursed, not everybody knew of the letter. Her daring tendencies all having vanished, she decided an easy cover up for this. 'I - unless they are utter fools, they are going to submit.' She said, tilting her head in a you know... manner.

'Right...' Said Watson, staring into the Lake, 'But you still never know. Queens and Kings are strange creatures. I've never heard of a straight royal.'

'That,' Alexandra said, 'I can agree with.'

But she knew there were straight royals. One was sitting next to Watson right then, and one was in the Palace of Idgard. Neither knowing how strongly opposites attracted.

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