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After The Show-Scott

After Scott's defeat and elimination in Total Drama All Stars he decided it was high time he went back to his home town and catch up with his relatives and some of his old friends,he flied over the first opportunity he got and bought some land with some money he had been saving up for his dream farm for a long time,once the land was officially his he got to work on building a barnhouse he could live in while he did farm work,overtime he was able to make alot of profit off his crops and grow his farm out,he was even able to buy alot of animals for his farm,all the farm work had also done his body a favor,he wasn't insanely beffy but he did have a clear six pack,one morning while cleaning up the animals Scott found a werid looking shed near the back of the farm,he was curious as to what was inside the barm because he had never noticed the werid looking shed until now,curiously he approached the shed and forced it open with hia strength,suddenly two heavy barrels filled up with some mysterious green goop fell over him,some of the goop splashed all over Scott's body,the goop had a rather strange musk to it,it wasn't a bad smell but it wasn't really a good one either,Scott decided on checking out what the goop was some other time and cleaned up the mess and closed the shed back up and went to go shower to clean the strange goop off,after that his day on his barn went as usual up until the point it was timw for him to go to sleep,his whole intire body was pulsing and was hot so it was hard for him to go to sleep at first but he was able to sleep soon enough,Scott woke up and started the day feeling energetic as always,he did his daily morning routine,brushing his teeth,taking a nice long hot steamy shower,admiring his farm from his bedroom window,Scott's body started the pulsing and temperature change thing again like it did the previous night,Scott went to the bathroom to see what was the cause of it but boy was he in for a surprise,when he looked into his mirror there was a giant hunk looking back at him Scott's body had magically grown in his sleep,his already tight and musclar stomach was now covered in a pair of hugemous pecs and a solid  ten pack,his arm and leg muscles had also grown a huge amount,the pants he he was wearing where now tight shorts,and he's shirt's sleeves ripped off because of how big his arms had become,at first he was shocked at the sudden change,but then he started thinking about the benefits of his new beefy body and grinned,the next following months went wonderful for the buff ginger,more people invested in his farm because they were impressed by how buff Scott was and how great his farm looked,his profits went through the roofs as well thanks to the green goop he came across since he was able to research it and get more of it to sell to other people who wanted to be as buff as he was,his farm became a famous topic worldwide and some people would even fly over to him just to come visit his farm,one day while Scott was signing his signature on someone's drawings of him a man came up to him and handed him a envelope,Scott finished up with the fan and went to open the piece of mail,to his surprise it was a inavation to a new season of Total Drama,Scott thought about for a moment and decided on joining,he was convinced he could win this season with his newly buff body and farming skills and aftwr he won the money would go straight to his farm to help him buy for land and create more farms,Scott smirked at the thought!

Next ATS chapter is Brick,stay tuned!

Next ATS chapter is Brick,stay tuned!

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