The Beginning Of Something Big!💪🏽💙❤️

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Don hosted the show Total Drama a few years back,he was invited by the show's creators and was more then happy to run a season of the show,when the season ended Don decided on leaving the show for a while as he had plans of his own for his future careers,he did intend on coming back and hosting another season one day though,seeing how much attention the bobybuiler community was getting from everyone around him he decided it was time to grow some muscles and get into fitness,so for the next few years Don trained and dieted,while doing that he also opened up his own gym and named it Don's Duff and Buff Gym Palace,he became a famous personal trainer once he grew alot of muscles from his training and he loved all the attention he was getting from it,all of that happened in a spawn of a few years and Don now lives the lovely life as a popular buff bobybuiler with a huge following on all his social media accounts!

Present Day
Don wiped the sweat off his forehead and sighed as he drank some of his water,he had just finished up with all his fitness classes of the day and he was getting tiered,he was just about to leave when he noticed someone approaching him,the guy was about as buff as Don was and he was sporting a blue tank top that was obviously way too tight for him as it left his giant pecs exposed and some dark blue workout shorts
"Can I help you with something man?" Don questioned,a little impressed from the other man's body

"If I'm correct your Don right,the owner of this gym?"

"Yeah that's me,what brings you to my gym?"

"Names Chirs McLean,I was a past host of a show called Total Drama before I started working out and opening my own gym,saw you hosted the lastest season and wanted to drop by to say hey to a fellow host and bodybuilder!"

"Oh sweet I've heard about you,come on in man let's chat about some things!"

And with that being said the two bobybuilers quickly became good friends making small talk about there experiences with hosting and fitness,they found out they had alot in common

"You know I've been thinking of getting the creators to air another season,a fitness based one at that,if they okay it would you wanna co-host with" Don cheerfully asked his new buff buddy

"Heck yeah man,I'll send letters out to some past contestants to see if they'll return for a season,we'll call it Total Drama Buff Bros!" Chirs cheered in celebration

The two new buff friends got to work on there new idea,after getting the okay from the producers and creators,they got to work on getting ready for another season of Total Drama,they had alot of ideas in store for the upcoming contestants!

Total Drama Buff Bros!💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant