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They drove for hours on the highway until they finally pulled into a gas station. Niall went in to pay and buy snacks for the journey.

Harry cleared his throat, the uncomfortable silence in the car becoming too unbearable.

"Can I have a gum?"

"No" Louis laughed softly. "I'm kidding, here."

"Thank you?"

"You're welcome- ouch" Louis winced, hitting his elbow on the steering wheel as he lend over to get a water bottle.


Niall came back, he and Louis swapped places, They drove under the beautiful starry sky, past fields of sunflowers that swayed back and forth in the night wind like a little dance. Through forests where foxes hunted across the road in the darkness. Over bridges where the water crinkled under the reflection of the full moon high in the sky, with all the twinkling stars lighting their way, with the front lights of the car becoming the only glimmer of light as they drove deeper into the forest.

Then, at last, the road lights appeared and they continued along a long highway with high walls of grass and debris on the sides. On into a tunnel whose darkness swallowed up the lively nocturnal surroundings.

They stopped at another petrol station. Niall picked up sandwiches and water bottles after filling up. They swapped seats, Louis adjusting the rearview mirror so he could see Harry, a smile playing around the corners of his mouth as he caught him in the back seat in a haunted stare.

Curled up, his eyelids closed, his rosy lips lightly parted. Louis swallowed, his tummy oddly warming up at the feeling, seeing Niall sleeping in his seat beside him, and Harry in the backseat sleeping. The peaceful he craved finally taking over.

Around 4am they arrived at the huge hotel. Niall woke Harry, who was still half asleep, as Louis escorted them in and checked in.

"A triple room for you sir," smiled the receptionist. They rode up in the lift, Harry's head resting on Louis' shoulder, half asleep. They finally arrived at the room, Niall unlocked it and let them in.

Through the narrow hallway they went directly left to the first bathroom, with an open shower and a bathtub, a huge mirror and a toilet with fluffy fur underneath.
On the sink were glasses with freshly packed toothbrushes. Small soaps and hair wash.
Just behind the bathroom, when you came around the corner, was the first bed, with a bedside table on the left, and gummy bear boxes packed on the white lacquer. In front of the bed was a flat screen TV, on a wooden table with a water bottle on top.

Next to the television, a wooden door opened into the adjoining room.

Louis' jaw dropped when he saw the room.

A huge bed stood right against the wall, covered in black with dark red blankets, the fabric alone looked so rich. Above the bed was a gigantic mirror in which the bedside table was reflected, on which stood a bottle of champagne with two glasses. Along the wall was the simpler bathroom, where there was only a shower with a toilet and washbasin, of course.
In front of the bed was another large black leather couch, which Harry staggered towards and curled up on, falling asleep immediately.

Niall and Louis smirked, and poured themselves a glass of champagne, and a glass of water. Since Louis shouldn't be drinking alcohol yet because of his injuries. Afterwards, they watched a little TV before Louis dropped into the bed behind Harry's couch, and Niall closed the door to his room to sleep as well.


Around 4 in the afternoon, Louis woke up and rolled over the edge of the bed, landing on the floor with a thud.
Groaning in annoyance he got back up, feeling like he'd drunk too much the other day even though he hadn't had one drink at all. Jesus he missed drinking.

Right as he wanted to just sleep again, he noticed how freaking hard he was.
He rolled around on his stomach, moving the blanket over his hips, as he begun to grind softly agaisnt the comfortable mattress. Imagining plump lips around his cock, sucking him off teasingly, while he'd grab the persons hair, and- fuck. He stopped, there it was again.

Louis turned around, moving with his arching dick in a sitting position to go and have a ice cold shower because he was incapable of getting off.

The cold water hit his sweaty body, making his wounds sting. His heart beat increased and the weird feeling of not getting enough air in his lungs floated his tired body and mind.

So he kept standing there until his dick got soft, feeling miserable.
After all the driving and stress, he'd become a terrible headache through out the day.

"Niall!" He yelled, while putting a towel around his waist, leaving the bathroom. But instead of Niall sitting on his bed, Harry sat there, his legs crossed, a few curls clipped into a tiny palm, looking him up and down.

And Louis felt judged. Immediately.
Maybe it was the fact that his abs weren't that visible anymore, or maybe the bruises, or the scars. He forgot about them a while ago, mostly because Niall made him feel comfortable enough that he didn't care to walk around the house half naked. But now, there was his hostage, looking like someone just told him his rat died.

"Niall went to the supermarket" He explained, picking at his nails, his eyes not leaving Louis exposed body.

"Oii what a dickhead" Louis grumbled, more to himself then to Harry. He then continued to look through Nialls stuff to steal a shirt from him, in which mission he succeeded, getting a plain black one.

"Who did this to you?" Harry asked as Louis throw himself on the bed beside him, his shirt loosely hanging, exposing his bruised back.

"I'm not sure, some guy we picked a tussle with"

"That looks bad" Harry commented further, looking at Louis position, sprawled out on the bed, resting his head on his arms. He carefully tapped the blueish skin. Louis shivered. His stomach tingled a little at the contact.

"Stop touching me" He hissed, as Harry pressed his thumb were it hurt.

"I said stop touching me" Louis said, angrier, surprisingly fast he turned up and around, grabbing Harry's wrist, to pin him down on the mattress, looking at his shocked expression.

Their lower bodies touched for a brief moment, blood rushing through his dick, as the soft material of their trousers rubbed against eachother. Harry let out a quiet hiss, as Louis pressed his wrist harder down, they're now facing each other. Louis could see Harry's reddish lips right in front of him. Their hips touched again as Louis lowered himself, still pressing Harry's wrists hard, looking at his hands, and the thick rings on each of the mens fingers.

Then blushed. Following Harry's eyes to his sweat pants. He's hard.

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