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Harry sat on the couch, his legs bend to his chest, arms around them

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Harry sat on the couch, his legs bend to his chest, arms around them. He sipped some cola, and ate cookies that Niall had bought him earlier.

He made it through the first week now, and begun to stop caring, the two mens treated him fine, some rude comments here and there, but that was it.
They cut the ropes around his wrists, and basically let him home alone for the time they went grocery shopping, or went for other activities.

Harry found himself slowly attracted to the short one, his sassy comments amused him, and after all he was a nice lad. Cooking him two meals everyday, sleeping on the couch so Harry could take the bed, he even let him watch telly the whole day. And he bought him books, a shit ton of books.

His body was covered in a plain white vintage shirt he got from Niall and some pyjama pants Louis tossed him over this morning. Well morning, it was around twelve. Both weren't morning persons.

Harry stood up, slurping a sip of his almond milk. Then going up the stairs, in the bathroom to have a wee, and shower.

Louis' shampoo smells like Nivea cream. Harry rolled his eyes as he read all the bad ingredients and thought about how bad this crap must be for his skin and hair.
A little pissed, he opened the due tube and put some on his hand, then rubbed it over his body and into his hair.

The cool water splashed over his shoulders, he closed his eyes and put one arm against the wall to support himself. The water flowed down his back, down his legs. He looked down at the foam running down the drain.

Harry exhaled. He looked through the glass pane, Louis and Niall would not be back until later.
He closed his eyes, shifted his weight more so that his back muscles tightened.
He let out a shaky breath, wrapping his hand around his dick, shivering as the cold metal of his rings met his sensitive skin.

He ran his thumb over his tip and dipped it lightly, he hissed.
Then he began to move his hand up and down his cock until it was hard, and his legs trembled slightly from the pleasure he had been suppressing for the past week.
His head tense, he couldn't relax properly, frustrated he moved his hand faster, eyes squinted tightly at the slight pain twitching through his lower region as he got a little too hard.
Harry moaned as he finally felt the tickling pressure transfer through his belly down to his cock, intensifying the pleasure, he slowed his hand, his head against the wall to the left of his hand, the pressure building his orgasm, his legs softening, he was so close.
Harry stopped, his heart doing a tumble as he heard the door close from downstairs.

He could kill Louis.

He quickly turned off the water, his hands shaking from the shock, his cock still hard, this time so that any touch would bring him to orgasm.
Harry grabbed one of the white towels and tied it around his waist, the moment he tied it the door slammed open and Louis stood in the doorway with a furious look on his face. But his gaze softened when he saw Harry.

Harry looked at him with wide eyes and tried to tie his towel as normally as possible without making himself come in front of Louis.

"I'm sorry- I thought- I thought you weren't coming back until later so I was in the shower- and the loo- but then the shower- and I didn't know if it was okay- but I couldn't ask you either and-" he stammered down, at the slowest pace he could manage. Until Louis interrupted him.

"Jesus, mate, you talk more than you should. I thought you took off, but apparently you're too stupid to, well, we got burgers and fries, come on down when you're ready, with your-" Louis grinned, "situation" Harry turned bright red as Louis pointed his finger at his cock which was clearly hard through the towel.

"Ok" Harry stuttered utterly embarrassed. He waited till Louis' shut the door, so he was finally alone again, stepping with a sigh back in the shower, turning the water freezing cold, to take care of his problem.


Harry fixed his hair and pinned up his front curls with a small hair clip.
A little annoyed, he washed his face, his skin had gotten a few mini blemishes from all the junk food, and it had only been a week.
He turned in the mirror and pinched the little piece of fat on his belly a little. This is not good. His manager would kill him if he showed up at his next papwalk like that, if it ever happened again.

Sadly he dropped his head, the week hadn't been bad, it was more that no one was looking for him. Did it matter so much that he was just gone?
He tried to push the thought out of his mind and sullenly went downstairs where he lay down on the couch, Niall and Louis were sitting in front of the couch watching TV, eating pizza and arguing about something.

Louis turned to him and held out a bag of burgers and chips.
Harry just shook his head and rolled onto his back. He began to count the rafters above him in his mind.

His hands on his bauvh, he kept lightly pinching the fat, it bothered him so much because he knew how much it would bother Jeff. He could practically smell the headlines.

-Harry styles, back, and fatter than ever-

He slept for an hour, and immediately regretted it, his body was sweaty and disgusting, his mouth was dry, and the light above him was far too bright.

Groaning, he got up, his back aching as it always did when he lay there too long. God, he was done.

Two blue eyes appeared above him. Louis. He grinned and flicked Harry's cheek, then jumped over the back of the couch, Harry pulling his legs away fast enough for the smaller one to land with a thump on his bottom, on the soft couch.

"What's wrong with you?" he said, looking at Harry as he flicked his sock band against his knuckle until it turned red.

"Ouch" Harry muttered, but made no effort to stop him. "Nothing."

"Want some chips?"


"Why not?"

"Look, I don't want to be rude, but I just don't want to talk to you right now, please leave me alone."

Louis looked at him with wide eyes, flicked the sock band again and left. Up the stairs to his room.

Harry felt like shit. He was not an unpleasant person, and this was unpleasant. If someone said that to him, he'd probably sink to the ground on the spot.

Sighing, he turned from the couch, got up and went up the stairs to knock on Louis' door.

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