I don't know, Doll it's very far from our pack. My Wolf tried to reason.

I know, but that's kind of the biggest selling point right now. I replied.

Moving is my best option. So, it's what I'm going to do, I thought as I walked back into the house.

The next day I was starting to feel better, the idea of starting fresh somewhere else had given me hope. Hope that I will heal.

"Andy, this is crazy, why can't you just give it a try with Logan? At the very least it will help you get over Connor." Alexi pleaded for the tenth time today.

"I can't Alexi, I just can't take anymore. I'm leaving Cornwall." I finally admitted.

He looked so shocked and confused that I was worried I was going to cry again.

"What do you mean you're leaving?"

"I got into the music program at Manchester. I'm leaving tomorrow after my last exam. They have a summer music course that starts next week so I decided to head there early." I knew I was being unfair and selfish leaving him, but I couldn't be here anymore. I couldn't see Logan or Connor without my heart breaking more.

"Tomorrow? You can't leave tomorrow! It's the Alpha ceremony. They're announcing Logan as Alpha and me as Beta. I wanted you there." He argued.

"I can't see them, Lex. I love you but I can't. Please understand." I was begging and my eyes were beginning to water again.

I was such a mess. I need to get away from here. I could see the battle in his eyes, he wanted me there. He was hurt but he was the perfect brother and knew how hard it would be for me.

"He's a mess you know?" I knew he wasn't talking about Connor. It had to be Logan. "I'm not saying it to be mean, I just thought you should know. If you can't come tomorrow, I understand little sister but I'm going to miss the hell out of you." I could see his eyes were glossy as he fought tears too. He came and sat next to me wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm going to miss you too Alexi." I spoke between sobs.

I fell asleep in his arms before he left.

My mother cried and hugged me so tightly the next morning that it hurt. My father made sure my car was roadworthy and helped me pack it before he broke into tears. Once everything was packed, I said my last goodbyes and got into my car, shouting good luck to Alexi, he did the same to me for my test, and I headed for the school.

I had decided to leave straight from there so I would make it to Manchester before it was too dark.

I was grateful that my test was practical and all I had to do was perform an original piece of classical music for my teachers. Piano playing has always come naturally to me. I have been playing since before I joined this pack. My mother had taught me when I was young. She used to play for me if I couldn't sleep.

It was a quick, painless exam, and after I got back in the car, I headed out of town.

I stopped before I reached the town border.

"I'm a terrible sister." I cried, sitting in my car. I parked it on the side of the road. I could hear cars passing by me.

No, you're not Doll. My wolf answered me.

But I'm not there. This is the biggest night of his life; we have been talking about it for years.

Then go. Don't let any boy stop you from seeing your brother. You're stronger than that.

"Screw it!" As I made my decision, I headed for the pack house, stopping first to change at the school. I knew the warriors at the party would be under strict orders from the Luna, that it was a black-tie event. No exceptions. So, I put on a cute knee length strapless red dress and heels and headed to the pack house.

When I arrived, I saw all the candles they had placed around the house, it was lovely.

When I entered the building, I heard wolves yelling congratulations. So, I knew they had just finished the ceremony. The ballroom was decorated with simple greys and blues, but it just made it look elegant and regal. The whole place smelled amazing, it smelled like caramel chocolate and roses.

Mate! My wolf howled in my head.

I know, I don't want to see Connor. I replied.

Not him Doll, someone else.

What? Where?

I have another mate. I knew it was a possibility albeit rare it does happen. But usually, it takes years to happen. Not days... who could it be? I walked into the huge room and looked at all the wolves. The smell of chocolate was getting stronger and stronger. I couldn't find anyone, I was about to give up when my eyes locked onto his and without thinking I growled "Mine."

To read the rest of the rejected wolf and the next books in the blue moon series, please find them on amazon.

I'm sorry about the book ending like this on here ❤️ amazon don't like having it on other platforms.

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