Chapter 10

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Logan POV

When I awoke, Andy was lying on top of me. Her lips were pressed up against my chest, her hair covering her top half like a blanket. However, her bottom half was exposed, as evidenced by those unbelievably short shorts that had ridden up higher.

Without thinking, I slid my hand down and rested it on her back. As my hand touched her, she moved.

Shit, she's going to wake up and think I'm some kind of pervert.

She moved again and I felt her shift her weight. I turned my head to look at her face and her eyes opened, and she stared at me.

Her eyes changed to a bright blue that swirled and flickered almost like flames. The sight mesmerised me so much I forgot my arm was around her effectively holding her in place. Her eyes went back to normal and then widened.

"What the hell?" she asked as she crawled off of me.

The air felt cold and I regretted the distance between us immediately. It was like my whole body wanted her to stay as close to me as possible. Her blush was a gorgeous shade of red and I tried to act as natural as I could.

"Morning Little one. How did you sleep?" she looked over at me and I could see that she was trying not to smile.

"I slept rather well actually, you?"

"Not too bad, though waking up to you straddling me definitely improved my night." I winked at her as she groaned blushing again.

While she spoke, she slapped my arm and said, "I was asleep, I didn't control that." I faked injury "Ouch little one that hurt, you're going to pay for that." In a flash I rolled on top of her and with one hand, I held her arms above her head and with the other I started tickling her.

It was adorable to see her squirm and giggle like crazy.

"Say I win, and I'll stop." I told her as I continued to tickle her.

"Never! I never lose. Anything you do I'll do straight back, only better." She said full of determination. She managed to get one of her hands free and started tickling back.

As I grabbed her hand and placed it next to her head, I said, "I'm impressed, baby."

"Anything I do huh?" I smirked as I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers lightly.

I felt her tense up before she relaxed and stopped trying to get loose.

Smiling, I kissed her again. Only this time it wasn't lightly. My wolf grew mad when she kissed me back, so I released her hands and put one behind her head while pulling her closer. With the other hand, I ran it down her side until I reached the edge of her top. I reached underneath, my fingers trailing over her chest as she moaned loudly in my mouth.

I could feel my wolf trying to come out. I was about to remove her top when the door flew open.

"What the hell are you doing?" Connor yelled at us.

"Fuck off, Connor." I yelled back, getting off of Andy.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with my mate?" his eyes had gone black, his wolf in control.

"I said get the hell out." I grabbed his arm to push him out the door.

"Get off of me. I knew she was a dirty little slut. Enjoy my sloppy seconds brother." He spat as he left the room.

I turned around to see Andy packing up her things.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be in bed. Andy, please calm down, it's okay I'm here with you."

She didn't look at me, keeping her eyes down. "I... I can't. I'm sorry, I have to go."

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"You don't have to go anywhere, little one. You can stay here with me. I've never felt like this before, I don't want you to go. I don't want to be away from you, please stay." She turned around in my arms and stared up at me.

"I'm sorry but this can't work." My heart broke and I released her.

She's giving up without even giving me a chance.

"Why the hell not? And don't say it's because you don't want me, because I know you do. I can feel it. I felt it when you kissed me." She looked on the verge of tears.

"This was a mistake. I can't live with you rejecting me too. I'm sorry, but I just can't." she said as she put on a coat and started to leave.

"I'm not going to reject you, Andy. Please don't do this." I pleaded.

"You will. One day you'll find your mate and you'll reject me. I'm sorry Logan, goodbye." She said as she walked through the door.

Not even looking back at me.

What the hell just happened? One minute I'm having the best kiss of my life and the next I'm standing in my room alone.

The Rejected WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz