A Sad & Sexy Tale of Korr

Start from the beginning

But the sooner I could get all of my consorts back to the surface, the better, and Korr wasn't dumb enough to risk his own life on his pride. Asund? Sure. Itek? Maybe. Ormiss? Yep. Ethat? Yeah. Korr? No. Korr loved himself a bit too much for that. Someone else could go die a needless death while he watched.

Apparently, I could seduce necromancers while he watched. Pervert.

"Is there nothing you won't watch?" I asked him dryly, annoyed.

He tapped his chin. "I'm sure there's something."

Ormiss rolled his eyes.

"I'm an ambassador," Korr said, flicking his fingers in an elegant, expressive gesture. "I would be a very bad ambassador if I flinched and acted offended every time I observed something to offend my cultural palette. Itek is also an ambassador, but he was not groomed for it like I was. He's a hunter first, and he was sent to find the fate of the Hippocamp Princess because he was deemed the most affable of the options, not actually deal in politics."

"He is the most affable of his kind?" Ormiss pointed a finger at Itek.

"They are cat-birds. You've met ravens, you've met panteres." Korr poked two fingertips together.

"And the dragons don't care what happened to the princess?" Itek asked Korr.

"I'm saying that you were sent to find the fate of the princess, then return to your roost. The dragons want to address the stain on the world, so there was no my task is done here, I go home now component to my assignment." Korr raised one icy brow. "I was assigned to Haven, and Haven is where I expected to remain and die. The princess was just one of the things I've been charged with navigating. I was never going to return home."

Damn. That was really sad. I frowned. Korr had always known he wouldn't go home?

"So if she wanted to fuck a necromancer instead of any of us, you would just want to watch." Itek seemed extremely irritated.

"If she really wanted it and it made her happy?" Korr shrugged eloquently. "It wouldn't bother me, if I got to watch her pleasure. And then when she was done being wanton, she let me taste her."

"Korr!" I exclaimed, blushing hotly.

Asund made a whatever, I can't take you seriously motion with his hand. Ormiss sighed. "Dragon, you call the hippogryph shameless."

"I told you I am a hedonist. Do you want some lessons, horse-fish?" Korr stuck out the tip of his tongue. "I'm sure she would not begrudge you and I playing together while she amuses herself elsewhere."

I coughed.

"You are in a state, brother," Ethat said.

"It's been a while," Korr admitted.

"This is what you get for convincing all of Haven you and Itek were married." Ethat studied his fingers smugly. Then he looked at me. "Dragons are prone to... a special variety of sexual frustration."

"What does that mean?"

"It's hard to explain." Ethat's grin got a little wicked.

Korr glared at him. "I am in full control, thank you."

Ethat made the lips-flapping motion with his hands.

"The surface?" Korr prompted.

"No, let's discuss this state some more," Ormiss said wickedly.

"You and me, you mean?"

"There is no you and me, dragon. Just sex."

"An unnecessary clarification."

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