"Nah y'all better order y'all some shit" Symir replied knowing I wasn't gonna be able to stand up long enough to cook that

"Nigga whatever we be there at 8:30 bye!" Trey yelled with that they hung up

"You cool wit' that?" Symir asked looking down at me

"I don't care." I muttered, not that it really made a difference since he's asking me after the fact

We both turned our heads to the door that slowly creeked open "Hey." Milan said as she made her way to the bed

"Wassup princess" Symir said

She snugged up by my side as I rubbed her back "nothing..I was just bored we don't never do nothing I need some friends!" She sighed dramatically

I thought this was the perfect opportunity to break the news to her.

"Well what if you'd have a permanent friend to do stuff with all the time..how'd you feel?" I asked and Symir chuckled

He always claimed I was like a 'white' parent when I was talking to Milan

Milan snapped her neck at me and looked at me like I was crazy "Mommy..what are you talking about?"

"What you think bout being a big sister?" Symir asked her and she sat up quickly and shook her head repeatedly "No. I want it to be just me" she said

"Why not?" I asked with my lip poked out. Why don't kids ever want siblings? I would love to have a baby sister or brother

(A/n not in real life I got 3 younger siblings and them kids demon seeds)

"Because I don't wanna share y'all..duh" I frowned

"Well yo' momma pregnant so you gon' have to learn how" Symir shrugged causing me to push him from being so blunt

Milan looked at us as if we just broke her heart into a million pieces "Throw it away!" She said

"I- oh" was the only thing I could get out. I knew she wouldn't be 100% on board but damn.

"Milan chill out, talk to us mama and you better act like you got sense" Symir spoke sternly. I could tell he was just as upset by her comment as I was and he was trying not to lash out

"No!" She whined "Why are you doing this to meeee?"

"It wasn't planned stink but you'll always be our first baby.. I promise" I said and she mugged me

"OH MY GODD! You're not listening" she said while crying

"I know one thing you better stop yelling" Symir Said she got up and walked towards the door

"You already took my daddy from me most of the times now that ugly baby going to too!" She screamed

I was taken back, when did she start to feel like I took Symir away from her? I had her more than he did these past few months.

"Milan? Where is this coming from? You feel like I take him away from you?" I asked as my voice cracked

She reached for the door knob before looking back at us "I hate that stupid baby! And I hate you" She said looking at me before running out dramatically

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