Chapter 3

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Aria and I waited in the lounge while Zayden talked to the authorities of the library. "Aria, do you think it is a good idea to include him in the plan?" I asked hesitantly. "I know you are worried, but this is the only way we can enter," answered Aria.

"You cannot do this! It is wrong and is a punishable crime

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"You cannot do this! It is wrong and is a punishable crime. Please do not do this", cried a woman. "We can benefit from this. We all can. Just think about", said a man whose face I was not able to see.

"Come on girls, let us go!" called out Zayden snapping me out of my vision. "Are you okay?" asked Aria. "Yes, yes I am," I replied. "Is it your visions again? " she wouldn't let it go until I answer her. " Yeah, but don't worry about it. We might find the answers very soon," I told her.

With the three of us searching for the book of Naevus, it took no longer than an hour to find it. We walked over to the nearest desk and placed it on the table. It is a big, heavy book with swords on the cover.

"Finally! I will have the answer to all the questions I ever had. Thank you, Zayden." I thanked him.

Flipping through the pages, I found the dragon birthmark that looked exactly like the one on my arm. Aria and Zayden sat on either side, reading along with me.

The dragon house is the second in ranking among the five noble families of the country. Protectors of the dragons, the house has magical powers that pass on as a legacy. Living in  Davel, they practise magic and stay on the lookout in the service of the crown.

"It is a very dangerous place. The most feared among the locals," said Zayden, shivering. He went pale. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see someone approaching us. I have never seen him more scared.

"Sir, are you alright?" asked a tall man with concerned eyes. "Yes, I'm okay. Sorry to get you worried," Zayden assured the man. After he walked away, I asked him what was wrong.

"Zoe, this place, Davel is not something you can get through easily. It has mythical creatures and at times, the ground itself seems to be alive. I suggest you stay out of it."

"Zayden, thank you for the help. If you want to stay out of this, we wouldn't say no," said Aria crossing her arms.

"No, Aria. You don't understand. It is," I cut in before he could finish what he was about to say. "It is okay Zayden, Aria and I can go ahead alone. You don't have to come along. We will have to do this no matter what," I said.

"Fine. I'll tag along, can't leave you, girls on your own but you shall be responsible for things that happen from now on. Deal?"

"Deal," I answer. 

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