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Conrad, Mason, and Y/N are all locked in a integration room. Conrad is in front of the mirrored glass talking to the people behind it, "You just gonna sit there? In the dark. You're enjoying this, right? Is this fun for you? I promise I won't tell the Russians."
"I promise I will tell the Russians." The sisters say at the same time.
"They're gonna tell the Russians." He says, turns around, walks back to his chair and sits down. He then whispers, "Slivko was right, that's really creepy, you have to stop." The sisters just shrug and he then chucks a pencil at the glass and it bounces off, "Why are you keeping us here?"
"I wanna go home." Mason says.
"We get it. There was no island. We were never in an island."
Suddenly the door opens and Brooks and San walk in.
"Island? What island?" Brooks asks sarcastically.
"Brooks, what the hell is going on?" Conrad asks.
"Welcome to Monarch."
Conrad chuckles and Brooks and San sit down. Brooks opens a file that has a bunch of different picture in it, "This island is just the beginning."
"There's more out there." San says.
"What do you mean, 'more'?" Conrad asks.
"This world never belonged to us. It belonged to them. The question is how long before they take it back." The lights dim and a projector starts playing on the wall, "Kong is not the only king."
They look at the wall and see people walking into a cave. It then switches to a cave drawing of a dinosaur looking thing. After that, a dragon that's blowing out fire. Then a giant moth. Another one was a three headed dragon. And lastly one of the dinosaur fighting the three headed dragon.
"So what we want to know is, will you join Monarch and help us?"
"No." Mason says.
"I just want my bed." Y/N says.
"I've had enough of monsters to last me a life time. I'm good." Conrad says.
337 words

Kong Skull Island: Y/N WeaverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя