Heading North

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They all got out of the helicopter and discovered that Y/N had a pretty nasty cut going down the side of her leg. When she tried to walk, she screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. Mason ran up to her and held her in her arms while San and Conrad put some bandages to stop the bleeding. They also tied a pice of cloth above it tightly to help stop the bleeding. After they were done, Mason picked her sister up and helped her stand. Y/N put her arm around her sister and used her to help her walk. They went and leant against the crashed helicopter and stayed there. Conrad then went to a ledge to try and find out if anyone was still airborne or if he could see where they crashed.
Back at the crash site Mason and Y/N were still trying to find out what had just happened, they were still leaning against the helicopter. Slivko was trying to reach the others through a radio, "Calling all units. Is anybody airborne? I repeat is anybody airborne?"
Conrad comes back and tells them, "They're all down. Every one of them. We're on the south side of the island. There's a river a couple of klicks from here. If we stick to its banks, we'll make it to the exfil site on the north shore."
Nieves speaks up, "And then what? All out choppers are down."
"We'll find a way to signal the ship. They'll send a search party. We just have to make it by the exit window."
"I should be sitting at a desk." Nieves says walking off.
"So, wait, are we just not gonna talk about this?" Slivko asks while panicking.
"My best guess is we're scattered over a four to five mile radius." Conrad says walking up to the sisters who are still shocked, "We should head north and join anyone we find. Are you two all right?"
"I don't know how to answer that question right now." Mason says.
"I don't know what that was either." He says.
"All that money that they paid you? I hope you're worth it." Mason says, grabs Y/N and helps her walk away.
"So much for it being a simple mapping mission." Y/N says to Mason.
Slivko still panicking asks, "We're really not gonna talk about it? You know this is not normal, right? Stuff like that doesn't just happen!"
Y/N hated that she was the reason they had to keep taking breaks along the way and that she was slowing them down.
As they were walking through the woods, Brooks was explaining why they were on the island, "It's called the Hollow Earth theory. Randa hired me because I wrote a paper substantiating what most people think is a crackpot idea. That there are these massive underground spaces isolated from the surface world."
San speaks up, "Passageways. Randa believed this island may be one of those."
"An emergence point for whatever lives below. Ancient species like what we just saw. I thought he was out of his mind."
As they walked through some high grass, Slivko decided to use his radio again to see if he could reach anyone now, "This is Slivko. Do you read? Anybody out there?" They come out of the grass and start walking along a river, "We're headed north to the exfil location. Everyone here seems way to calm right now. Do you copy? Anybody?"
Conrad wanting him to be quiet says, "We're out of range, Slivko."
"Oh, shit."
"Save it for when we get closer to the group."
The continue walking along the river until something starts moving in the water. Slivko freaked out and puts his gun up like he was about to shoot and Mason stands in front of Y/N protectively again.
"Nobody move." A water buffalo comes out of the water and stares down Slivko, "Easy." Conrad says and shushes them.
The water buffalo moves closer to them.
"Slivko." Conrad says.
In a shaky voice Slivko replies, "What?"
Conrad slowly puts his arm out in front of him and grabs the barrel of Slivko's gun and pushes it down, "Put it down."
Slivko puts his gun down and Mason snaps a picture. The water buffalo turns back into the water. Mason smiles at the buffalo and puts Y/N's arm around her again and they all start walking again.
746 words

Kong Skull Island: Y/N Weaverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن