Mass Grave

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They're all going west to try and meet up with Chapman. They stop when they see a bunch of bones sticking out of the ground and they all look at them for a moment. After a minute, they start walking again. Mason takes a picture of one of the bones.
They come across a valley filled with green fog and has a bunch of huge monkey skeletons. They all stop at the start of the valley to look at the scene in front of them.
Marlow speaks up, "Yeah. You smell that. That's death."
"What the hell is this place?" Slivko asks.
"This is what's left of Kong's parents." Marlow answers.
"I've taken enough photos of mass graves to recognize one." Mason says.
"The crash site's just on the other side of this valley." Packard says, "We'll cross through and make it to the highest point west."
"Uh-uh" Marlow says, "This place is a real no-no, sir."
"Yeah, I'm not bringing my sister through that." Mason says.
"We need to be going to the north side right now." Steve says.
"And you're welcome to do that, my man. By yourself. I'm not leaving Jack out there. Now, who's with me?" Packard asks.
"We can make it" Conrad says while dramatically looking off in the distance.
"You're mighty right, we can make it. Now, stay sharp. Keep an eye out." Packard says and then walks into the mass grave. Everyone starts to follow him.
"I've only been here 28 years. What do I know?" Marlow says and also walks into it.
Mason turns to Conrad, "I can't bring my sister into that."
"What's better for her? One, she stays here..alone, or, two, she comes with us." Y/N walks away leaving the two and catches up with Marlow, "We have guns Mason. She'd be better protected with us. Also she's already walked off, so there's that." Conrad says.
"What?" Mason looks over and sighs, "Of course." She walks toward her sister and mumbles sarcastically, "I mean I'll only have to face our parents if she dies... Not a big deal. Not a big deal at all"
They all start walking slowly and on alert as they pass through. Mason and Y/N stop and turn to look at everything. Randa is taking pictures of everything, Conrad is looking at a skull crawlers foot print. Cole lights a cigarette but Mills says, "Cole, we don't got time for that, man. Put the cigarette out."
Cole takes it out of his mouth and looks at Mills with a face that's like 'really' and he throws the cigarette. It hits the ground and then something explodes because of it.
Randa yells over to them, "Watch those fumes!" And then mumbles, "Idiots." And takes another picture.
Mills and Cole get up and Packard says, "Let's go. We gotta move!"
They start walking again and suddenly hear a creature screeching in the distance. Mason grabs Y/N and stands in front of her protectively. Marlow, who knows what's coming, yells, "Run!"
Everyone starts running to find a place to hide. Mason grabs Y/N and they run towards a bone to hide themselves. Mason pulls them down and puts an arm around Y/N, while Conrad goes goes next to them and turns so he's a bit in front of them. They hear the creature screeching still and then they hear giant footsteps coming towards them. The skull crawler moves toward them but since the bones are there it can't see them. It then roars and Y/N digs her face in her sisters arm.
"I told you this damn place was a no-no" Marlow says.
The skull crawler starts gagging and Mason gasp, which makes Y/N more freaked out and digs her face into Mason's arm more to try and not scream. The skull crawler throws up and a skull rolls out with rag tags on them reading:
RA 4756 9015
Y/N goes to look but Mason keeps her sisters head facing away from it. The skull crawler throws up once more but only liquid comes out. It then turns and walks away. Marlow and Conrad peak out to see if it's gone. They all get out of hiding and Packard yells, "Rally up! Rally up! Somebody cover the civilians' six. Let's move!"
Y/N keeps her head close to Mason as they walk away from the skull. Conrad picks up the dog tags and then walks away too.
Everyone is now on edge and freaked out, so every noise they hear or movement they see, they tense up. Marlow takes out his sword. Randa goes to take a picture but something happens to his camera. It flashes a bunch and he says, "Oh, shit." He's then eaten by the skull crawler and Marlow and Slivko turn to look at the noise. Slivko starts shooting at it which alerts everyone and they all turn around.
Brooks yells, "Randa!"
Now everyone with guns is shooting at it. The skull crawler runs away. Packard orders, "Set up the 50!"
Someone sets up a big gun and gets ready.
All they see in the distance is flashes of light circling around them. Marlow gets into a fighting pose with the sword and says, "Death before dishonor." In Japanese.
The skull crawler runs toward them and Marlow moves out the way and cuts its leg. Mason grabs Y/N's arm again and runs away. The skull crawler starts running towards the big gun and hits it, he then sticks his tongue out and wraps around the soldier that was operating it and eats him.
It starts running towards Mason and Y/N. They run and slide through some bones that are closed together and lay on the floor. They scream as the skull crawler tries to bite through the bones but can't.
Packard yells, "Bring the torch! Do your thing!"
A solider with a flamethrower, fires one up and aims the fire at the skull crawler. It gets engulfed in fire and Mason and Y/N take this time to run away. The skull crawler swings its tail around and hits the soldier with the flamethrower and he goes flying. He lands in a skull and it explodes. Slivko was near the explosion and gets thrown and when he lands he goes unconscious. His toxic gas canisters land in some fire. Conrad turns toward the boy and yells, "Slivko!" He then sees the canisters and yells, "Gas!" The gas explodes and green smoke comes out. A bunch of the bird things come and start attacking them too. Conrad runs toward Marlow and yells, "Marlow! Sword!"
Marlow throws him the sword and Conrad runs to another soldier and picks up a gas mask and puts it on. Mason and Y/N are hiding, watching everything from some bones  away from all the fighting. Conrad goes through the gas and splits a bunch of birds with the sword killing them. Once he gets through the smoke, he takes off the mask and runs toward Slivko.
"Slivko, hang on!" He yells and puts the sword into the ground.
The skull crawler is still killing a bunch of the soldiers.
"This thing's moving!" Packard yells.
Conrad gets Slivko up. The skull crawler goes towards the two. Mason runs out of her hiding spot.
"Mason!" Y/N yells after her but her sister just keeps going.
Mason runs up to Conrad and Slivko with a lighter and throws it at it. It hits the ground and explodes throwing them and the skull crawler. They hit the ground and Y/N runs up to her sister as the skull crawler screeches and dies. She helps her sister up and hugs her.
"Don't do that." Y/N says.
"I had too." Mason says and holds Y/N tighter, "I'm sorry."
The sister stay like that for a minute and then they brake the hug and walk off together. They walk out of the valley and into the woods. Marlow, irritated, speaks up, "Now, look, Colonel. You may outrank me, but I've been here a hell of a lot longer. And I'm telling you that thing that just shredded us was only the first of them. Now we're on their turf, and we need to turn back toot sweet!"
"Not as long as Chapman's still out there." Packard says.
Conrad speaks up, "I'm sorry, Colonel Packard." He holds up the dog tags, "Chapman is dead."
"Doesn't change a thing!" Packard yells, "We're still going to that crash site."
"What's at that crash site that you want so badly?"
"Weapons! Enough to kill it."
"Kong didn't kill Chapman."
"But he did kill these men!" Packard yells and holds up a bunch of dog tags, "My men!"
"You can't kill Kong, Colonel. Kong is god on this island. He's the only thing keeping them lizard things in the ground." Marlow says.
"He's right, Colonel. We can't kill Kong." Brooks says, "Now, that other creature? That's the threat. And there are more of them down there. If you take away a species' natural competition, they'll proliferate out of control."
"Then we'll end then, too!" Packard says, "After we bring this thing down."
Marlow drops his bag and takes out his sword, "I can't let you do that Colonel."
All the soldiers aim their guns.
"Whoa, whoa. Wait! Hold your fire!" Conrad says.
Packard hits the sword out of Marlow's with his gun, pushes him to the ground, and aims it at him, "This is one war we are not going to lose."
"Nuts!" Marlow yells, "You hear me? This is nuts!"
San yells out, "Please! You need to listen to us!"
"We're not at war, Colonel. You're making a mistake." Brooks says.
"Your lies got my men killed!" Packard yells and aims his gun at him.
Mason steps up, "And you're gonna get us all killed!"
Packard aims his gun at her.
Conrad pulls her back and puts his arm in front of her to keep her from moving, "Not our fight."
"Whose side are you on, Captain?" Packard asks.
"Okay, Colonel. You'll find your Sea Stallion three klicks up that ridge. Now, I'm gonna take these civilians back to the boat. And we'll wait for you there. All right?" Conrad asks and puts his hands up.
Packard still has his gun aimed at Mason as she's tearing up. He looks toward Conrad and back to Mason and then puts the gun down. He then turns to his soldiers and yells, "Saddle up! Let's go kill this thing!" They start walking off, "Steve, you running with the big dogs or staying on the porch?"
"I don't wanna be on the porch" Steve says.
Conrad goes and helps Marlow up, "Marlow, you okay?"
"We need to stop him." Marlow says.
"You wanna talk with him about it again?" Mason asks.
"He seemed to really go for it the first time." Y/N says.
"He's losing his grip." Conrad says.
1844 words

Kong Skull Island: Y/N WeaverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz