Skull Island

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The next day while everyone waits to get to the island they all just hang out. Someone pulls out a record and some of them dance and mess around. Y/N and Mason are going around and taking pictures of the soldiers goofing off.
Everyone starts to get on the helicopters so Mason and Y/N walk towards one of them taking some pictures along the way, the one they go towards already has Conrad sitting in it. Mason waves her hand so that he would move over. Y/N gets in first and is sitting in the middle while Mason gets on and is sitting on the edge.
Over the radio, Packard is heard speaking, "This is Fox Leader to Fox Group. It is time once again for the Griffin and ant show. As usual, remember, hold on to your butts!" The helicopters start up and they start taking off. Once they're level Packard says, "Combat formation. Keep visual. Fox Five, let me know when you're close."
Cole over the radio says, "Fox five is in the slot."
"Roger that. Fox team, form up on me. Keep it together! Let's do this!"
Mason takes some pictures of the storm. They start flying towards the storm.
"Maintain course. Nothing we haven't done before."
"Dear Billy." Mill says into the radio, "'You ever looked into a hurricane and decide... Maybe I should fly straight through it?' Because that's what's about to happen."
Mason takes some more photos but the helicopter starts rattling so Mason grabs the handle inside the helicopter while Y/N grabs Mason's hand.
"Dear Billy. You might wanna hang on." Cole says.
They enter the storm and the helicopters start rattling even more. Alarms and red lights start signaling all over the helicopter. Y/N squeezes her eyes shut and holds on tightly to her sisters wrist.
"Fox Leader to Fox Group." Packard says, "Switch to inertial navigation. And remember the story of Icarus whose father gave him wings made of wax and warned him not to fly too close to the sun. But the exhilaration was too great, so he flew higher and higher until the sun melted his wings and he fell into the sea. But the United States Army is not a irresponsible father. So they gave us wings of white-hot, cold-rolled, Pennsylvania steel. Guaranteed not to melt."
They get through the storm and they see a beautiful island with mountains, rivers, and a lot of trees. Everyone looks amazed. Y/N opens her eyes and lets go of Mason's wrist and looks at the island ahead of her.
"Let's take them down, low and level." Packard says and the Helicopters get closer towards the ground.
Y/N yells in glee and looks at her sister with the biggest smile Mason has ever seen on her sisters face. They both get out their cameras to take pictures of everything.
One of the helicopters start playing music.
"Fox Leader to Fox Group. Split up, survey your zones. Fox Seven, put Landsat on deck." Packard says.
"Copy, Fox Leader. Fox Three headed to Zone six." One of the pilots says.
"Everyone else, stay with the team leader."
Then some the helicopters split up and some of them land.
"Ready for seismic charges." Nieves says into a radio.
"Roger that." A soldier says.
"Fox group, let it fly." Packard says.
They start to drop the seismic charges and they explode when they hit the ground. Mason, Y/N, and Conrad all look at each other when the charges drop.
"Copy all, Fox Three. Heading 0-9-0." Another pilot says.
"Hey, Randa, you're not gonna believe this." Brooks says into his radio, "The bedrock, it's practically hollow."
Out of nowhere a tree flies towards a helicopter and goes through it. Then a giant hand hits another one and it crashes to the ground. Then it's picked up again and they see the face of a giant creature.
"On guard, Fox Five!" Packard says, "Fox Eight is down! Fox Four is down! Respond, Fox Three!"
All the helicopters go towards this giant creature that's the size of a building. Everyone is shocked and scared, they're panicking about what is happening and what the creature is.
"Oh, my God!" One pilot says.
"Fox Seven moving into position, three o'clock." Another pilot says.
"Does anybody know what that is?" The first pilot asks.
"I don't know man." A third pilot says, "Goddamn. Three klicks west of Red LZ."
"Jesus! I've never seen anything like it!" Pilot one says.
"Set a perimeter of 300 meters. Do not engage." A forth one says.
"Roger. Climb 1,800." Pilot number five says.
They're still panicking and talking through the radio about what's happening.
"Is that a monkey?" Chapman asks.
"What the hell is that?" Pilot one says.
"Somebody talk to me, man." Pilot six says.
"Turn right heading 2-5-0. Contact approach..."
"Fox Leader to Fox Group." Packard says, "Form a perimeter." They all start circling the giant monkey, "Ready gunner positions."
"Holy shit! Look at the thing!" Pilot six says.
"I'm freaking out here!" A soldier yells.
"Fox Leader to Fox Group. Fire at will!"
The monkey roars and the helicopters start shooting at it.
"What the hell is that?" Cole asks.
"I don't know!" Mills yells back.
The Gorilla starts fighting back and takes down helicopters left and right. Y/N and Mason grab each other's hands and looks shocked at what is going on. Conrad yells to the pilot, "Pull out now! Pull out!"
Slivko says in return, "I don't take orders from you!
"Get us the hell out of here!" Randa says into the radio.
"Fox Nine is down!" Pilot nine says. The monkey tried to grab the helicopter but the propellers cut his hand.
"Fox Six, we got nominal control. We are going down." Chapman says.
"Fox Five, this is Fox Leader. Fox Nine is down, one klick north of river bend. Insert recovery team. Over." Packard says.
"Fox five is hovering." Cole says, "We got men going out the door!" Some soldiers go down out of their helicopters to help others who have crashed.
"I need help here. I need..." Pilot nine says before getting stepped on by the monkey.
"Oh, shit!" Cole says.
The monkey starts running towards a helicopter that's shooting at him from the front.
"Kill this son of a bitch." Packard says.
Another helicopter is shooting at it from behind, "Coming in hot! I got eyes on it!"
When the monkey gets close to the one helicopter he jumps over it cause the two helicopters to shoot each other.
"Pull up!" Packard yells.
They then crash into one another.
"Brace for impact!"
"Mayday, Mayday!" A bunch of pilots yell.
The monkey digs at some dirt and throws it up causing it to go towards the sisters helicopter.
The pilot turns toward them and yells, "Hang on!"
In the dirt was a man who is also now flying towards them. Conrad sees him and calls out, "Watch out!"
The man hits the helicopter and goes into the propellers causing them to break down. Everyone starts yelling and screaming. The pilot yells, "Prepare to crash! Brace!"
They all put their heads down and covers them with their hands. Mason puts her head above Y/N to protect her even more and they crash. They stay in the helicopter upside down for a while just to make sense at what just happened.
1252 words

Kong Skull Island: Y/N WeaverWhere stories live. Discover now