"So if she's alive, let's just go to where Jiu unnie is. We need to see if she really alive."Handong said. The girls nodded their head. "Yeah!"With that, all the girls started running

Kim Yoohyeon POV

"I can hear your mind loud and clear, you know."

"Shut up! I know that. But I just couldn't believe she was my sister."I lowered my head as an image of Jinsoul showed up in my head. "Does she know about it?"I asked him once my eyes matched him.

"She doesn't know. Her father didn't mention anything about her having an older sister. She was clueless just like you were."

I noticed his body was fading. His body was transparent. I can see a dark background through his body. He glanced at his body and smile faintly.

"I guess the time is running out."He suddenly smiled and I look at him confused. What does he mean by time running out? Am I going to die or what??

"Am I going to die?"I asked as I came forward toward him. "No."He spoke and I sighed in relief but he suddenly grabbed my shoulder and pressed his forehead against mine.

I was trying to push him back but he was holding my shoulder tight and steady himself while pressing his forehead.

And that when a vision started coming into my head...a vision of the past..from the first Demon King, to the second, to the third...and so on.......and now. The vision was telling me something which I don't understand.

When Dawn pulled away, I was freezing at the same spot I was standing with tears streamed down my cheek.

"Now you know everything."He spoke and I can see through his body. His body was transparent as if he was fading soon.

"Before I go completely, I just want you to proceed with the plans that we had been planning for years. You have to do this. Only you can."He said and then he started moving his lip, telling me something and I was completely stunned when he said that.

Can I actually do it?

"This is all I want to say to you."

"Wai-"I quickly ran toward him. I don't understand what he said but the moment I tried to touch him, my hand went through his transparent body, and with that, his whole body was completely gone. My legs then fell to my knee as I look up.

He's gone...completely before I want to ask him something....

I look at the center of my chest and saw a blue light glowing here. What with this light? It feels warm. I can feel something was warming here...


Kim Minji POV

I was wrapping my arms around Yoohyeon's motionless body, putting her pure body on my lap.

Her body was cold...

I couldn't even sense a life force from her.

She was completely lifeless. Her eyes were closed and her beautiful face...I caress her face as another drop of my tear landed on her beautiful face.

I was mourning her death.

Kim Yoohyeon...why are you leaving me so soon?

I couldn't help but remember the time where we shared our kiss for the first time under the fireworks.

It was not an aggressive kiss or kiss of lust. It was full of love. We were kissing like we had our feeling for each other.

Yoohyeon was holding my waist, squeezing it tight while my arms were around her neck, pulling me closer.

When we couldn't breathe anymore, we decided to pull away but my arms were still at her neck and she was still holding my waist, never let me go.

We were staring for a while and I smile at her. I don't know if she could hear it but my heartbeat was beating really hard.

I doubt she could hear it.

We were only staring at each other full of love and I swore that I going to be punished if they found out that I had a feeling with a human. Against a mortal species.

"Oh Minji, you look so beautiful."Yoohyeon spoke and I blush instantly.  She pulled a strand of my hair behind my ears as she caresses my cheek softly.

"You too, Yoohyeon. You look beautiful. I really like you,Yoo..."I whispered against her mouth and we kiss again until the firework is over.

Seeing Yoohyeon in this state right now, I couldn't stop crying. I don't want to see her like this. I don't want her dead.

"Jiu..."I can hear Sua calling me but I don't want to look at her. I don't have a mood.

I can feel Sua's touch on my shoulder. I quickly yanked her hand away as I turned around to face her. I can see her loud gasp when she sees me in this crying state. I am sure she can see that my eyes were red and my cheek is now in a mess.

I glanced at Sua, then at Siyeon, and saw some familiar girls. When my eyes landed on one particular girl that had a blue eye glowing on her left, she was looking at me, no...she was looking at Yoohyeon.

She slowly walks toward me carefully. I was about to fight since I do not want anyone to get near my Yoohyeon but Sua stopped me and suddenly, she pulled me for a hug and I couldn't stop crying since then. I couldn't care less if her armor was soaked because of me.

"Shh...it's okay. Yoohyeon will be fine."

"No... it too late already. She's dead. We can't do anything!"I almost yell at her. She just rubbing my back, telling me that Yoohyeon will be fine but I didn't believe her.

My eyes went to the side as I saw Jinsoul was walking toward Yoohyeon's lifeless body. She kneeled down to her and placed her finger on her chest. There was a light suddenly formed on her chest.

I slowly got off from Sua's embrace as I see the light. What was that light? Did Jinsoul just-no, that's couldn't be, she is just a normal human. Unless she is related to the Jung family. That's what I thought.

"What did you do?"I asked her but she didn't respond. Her finger was still on Yoohyeon's chest and there, I saw Yoohyeon's finger was moving. I was shocked. How can it be? How can she be alive when her soul was already transferred to Chaeyeon?

Her eyes finally open and then, I quickly hug her before she could process her mind.

I can see she was confused by what was just happening here.

And the Jinsoul girl suddenly collapses.

"Jinsoul!"Sua quickly caught her before her body fell on the floor. "I have no idea what happening here but she saved Yoohyeon,Jiu."Sua said and I nodded. "Yeah...I have no idea about what happened but I am thankful for her."I replied. I quickly glanced at Yoohyeon and another tear started forming in my eyes. Our eyes locked and I could see Yoohyeon began to smile as she saw me. She placed her thump underneath my eyes and wipe it.

"Sorry for making you worried, Jiu."She said softly. I didn't say anything, I quickly crashed my lip on hers. I kissed her with passion, with longing. I really missed her so much. I don't care if Sua or the other girls are watching us kissing but all I care was Yoohyeon, only her.

We quickly pulled away and I can see that Sua was wiggle her eyebrow at us, seeing us together like this. She was smirking. I ignore her and I decide to look at Yoohyeon through her dark orbs.

"I love you, Yoohyeon."I letting out all my feeling of her that I had been keeping for years. I do love her and I always wanted to be with her forever, even if it may cost me my life.

"I love you too, Minji."


A/N: Pls I don't know what am I writing this

But anyway, Dreamcatcher is coming back on 30 July and I am so excited!!! I am very curious about what their concept will be.

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