"Are you done?, Good " he then grabbed my arm really harshly and walked into the mansion.

Boy he really didn't leave anything out of our dream home huh? he even added the art wall I always wanted , but I can't help wonder how is he this loaded.

We stopped in a room that was clearly a bedroom that looks like it's never been occupatied yet but it was beautiful.

He then slammed the door behind him and marched towards me with fire in his eyes I started moving back , that fire wasn't always a good thing.

"Stay back , I don't want you anywhere near me and I know that you know that so fuck off"

But he didn't listen and grabbed my wrists and placed them above my head as I was pushed into the wall.

"You're really infuriating me today Bonnie baby and I don't like it "

"Do I look like I give a fuck Sebastian? just leave me the fuck alone and let me go home back to my life the life you left me with" don't cry, don't cry ,don't cry shit I'm crying.

"You left me Sebastian even though you promised me you wouldn't you stll left me"
He wiped my few tears away and started into my eyes for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry" was all he could master up right now.

"For what Sebastian? What are you sorry for? Today? , the past 5 years? or the 2 years in which I thought you actually loved me! which one huh Sebastian, WHICH ONE! " I screamed

"You don't fucking understand Bon! So why won't you just calm down and let me explain! ,Fuck! " he ran his hand through his now shorter hair.

He then let go of me and started walking out of the door

"I want to go home Sebastian!, let me go home I don't want anything to do with you just like you didn't want anything to do with me! Let me go home! " he just walked straight out and I heard the door lock that son of a-

I sat on the bed and cried, I cried so hard that I thought I would pass out , I never knew just how much I was actually holding back.

I then laid down and let exhaustion take me out.


I just woke up from another nightmare with Seb wrapping his arms around me telling me that its ok and that I'm ok.
"Baby this is the second time this week are you going to tell me your story now cause I'm generally worried for you at this point bon"

I nodded my head "i-i I'll tell you"

I then sniffed and started "my mother Remarried my stepfather when I was seven and my dad had died about six months befor. "

"My stepfather was a close friend of his but it's clear what he wanted"

"His true colors showed a couple months after the wedding when he started out with spending all the money that was left behind by my father for us even my college fund"

"He spent it all on his addictions and stupid stuff as well my mum met her last straw when she found out that he used my college fund that my father worked so hard for and she confronted him. "

"That was the first time he hit her I knew my mother wasn't a strong woman emotionally and that's why she just left, leaving me behind with my stepfather, I was 13"

" This angered him even more and he started to hit me as a way of Channeling his anger. "

"Money ran out quickly after she left So I had to start making money to keep us both feed. "

" I did any descent job they'd let a 13 year old do I endured the beatings the name calling and the financial stress till you found me crying on the bench 2 months ago when he had just beaten me "

I looked up at him and he had fire in his eyes , it scared me.

"I promise you a baby that, that man will never lay a finger on you ever again do you understand me, he will pay for what he has done to you! "

I was so assured by him that I never had my nightmares again since then it's funny how a person can also be you cure.

A few months later I heard from Mickey that seb and the gang went over the same night I confessed to him and beat the living crap out of my stepfather,

He later died cause his injuries were too bad and he didn't have the money to pay for his treatments so he went home and waited for death to take him.

Just then I knew Sebastian would kill anyone in the way of me and him.

End of flashback

I woke up to someone nudging me to wake up "B come on wakey wakey"
I opened my eyes and saw Micky in front of me.

"Hey B how are you feeling "I gave him a what do you think look and sat up.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry I understand your situation but I just had to ask ok. Here sit up and have something to eat you've been out for over 3 hours now. Then I'll take you home" everything was groggy but I heard him clearly.

"Wait what? 3 hours and I'm going home? What happened to Sebastian? "

"He had a situation in Milan and he needed to fly out tonight but he told me to make sure you ate and that i take you home safely he also said he won't forcefully tame you this time, cause the first time it was fate he is willing to take his time with you"

"Pftt like that will change my fucking mind, he can go burn in hell alone for all I care"

Micky chuckled "you really wore always hard headed that's what made you a great queen" I just looked at him it had been so long I heard someone call me that.

"eat up I need to take you home " he then walked out.

why can't my life be smooth just for one day at least.

THAT'S MY BONNIEWhere stories live. Discover now