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Let's continue following our young guns travelling in the belly of the beast while leaving police lines to not cross in every hot corner.

Meanwhile, in the train station a foreign woman is assaulted on the platform when men are screaming at her while they are attacking her, "Go back home where you come from, you biatch", they are kicking her on the floor while she is helpless gasping for air asking for help.

A week later the region council office worker is passing by with his proud pin badge written on it he is To Be Proud Dark Lord Servant but he does not know he is followed behind by a group of young men, they targeted him down the street when they observed his blue suit.

One of the young men approaches him and asks him if he has a lighter, the Council Officer worker responds he does not smoke and he rather prefers him to walk away.

But the remaining group of young men runs up behind him and places a dirty bin bag over his face. They just took the bag off the nearby bin. 

The first young man he approached punches him in a solar plexus, making him lose air and grip on his feet. Then he kicks the officer worker in his head while he is losing his consciousness on his knees and the remaining group kicks him on the floor.

The young man takes a lighter out of his pocket and places his backpack on the floor next to him, "a shame they taught you rubbish in law school."

He opens his backpack and takes out 3 liters cider bottle full of petrol; he pours the petrol over Council Officer workers' body and lights him on fire for him to wake up in agony of fire all over his body; he tries to stand up taking off the bin bag off his face and run but he trips over the platform and is killed by expressway train, making his body torn to many parts.

The young man places his lighter in his pocket and taps his friends over their shoulders, "very great work lads when we serve our community just right", they all walk away laughing.


The same day when the incident took place in the capital's outskirts train station, not far away in Crimson Island, the army hospital is recovering FE Blond. He opens his eyes and can see a nurse near him; he taps his palm on her bottom while she is taking a reading from the life support monitor and orders her to bring in a doctor in charge of his care.

While he smiles he says to himself, "I am lucky now the entire country is in my hands."

When she comes back with his doctor, FE Blond learns he was lucky to escape a fatal wound because the firearm bullet went through his arm clean but the doctor announced his female colleague was fatally wounded.

FE Blond sits with the help of his nurse and tastes his cup of tea, "I am sad about such horrors we experienced as a country, I must request an immediate visit from police and army chiefs to see me, due to the sad deaths of my superiors I am now the leader of Crimson Nation."

While the military hospital was arranging an emergency summit not far away, three friends were camping and cooling down their feet in cold water.

Simon, "I wonder how long we need to stay low in our campsite before the next expedition to resume the order our Simpleton has drafted us for?"

Mage, "I am not sure because I cannot contact our HQ since we made an entry."

Ignacius, "so strange we have gone through so much but not much avail to stop the evil deeds."

Simpleton walks up to them on lake pier and asks them to follow him to the cabin where Dylan and Bob are waiting to further plan how to restore order for them to complete their mission.

While on the other side of the capital Yami and Nami are walking to their prearranged date with the lovely police officer, they find him on a local dating application on their mobile.

Yami, "I wonder what kind of candy is our mister police officer."

Nami, "I am sure he is sweet as a candy in our mouth", then she licks her lips and both girls laugh.

They come near the station of the wild nature park and are waiting outside the bus stop where the police officer promised blind double date.

The black limousine stops near them and the passenger seat window pulls down for them to learn their double date inside their car.

The men were joking when driving to the natural reserve site about their date and how they will get quick sex in back of their car and they later toss these stupid girls far away, making them walk back all the way they came.

Then when the car window pulls down Nami waves a brown hair man, and Yami blinks her left eye before they board the government issued transport.

They drive a single kilometer further to the car park before they park in an unused road under construction, Nami switches seats with the driver to sit closer with the police chief and his driver takes the back seat closer to Yami.

Nami smiles and brushes his suit and tie rubbing his left leg closer to his groin but she pulls tight a knot of his tie twisting his gaze to the passenger seat for spills of blood drop on his face. 

The blood is coming from his driver's mouth while all arteries on his neck and blood vessels on his face are turning black and Yami is holding his driver by his throat.

Yami pulls a tie towards her and turns the Police Chief gaze to her, "That snot nose thought he would blaze in our stomach. But how about you?"

She pulls out her lollipop, pops out her mouth with her left arm from his hip and stabs him two times in his groin.

She pulls his tie over her shoulder, meeting their shoulder together in a hug, she places her mouth closer to his ear, "Shhh do not worry".

Then she rubs her arm from his groin to his stomach up and down, for the poison to flow quicker. He dies in her arms.

When Yami and Nami finish pulling dead bodies in the trunk of their car, Yami checks their wallets, "Great, we just finished the Police Chief and his driver."

Nami smiles and kicks their legs in to close the trunk, "we inherited their wheels on our first date".

She shouts out of happiness and jumps up clapping her hands in the air, "we will now not need to walk around now".

Yami, "Great, I am already tired."

The poison was from black crab, the nerves paralysis poison only found in their native home shores.

They dip the needles in a pure extract of black crab venom and concealed them inside sticks of sweets they packed inside their bag before their flight.

The poison is the strongest in the entire world, making a man's heart stop in three seconds from nerve paralysis, and since so effective no one ever had an idea to create an antidote for the venom.

While the girls boarded their borrowed government vehicle and were placing their make-up looking at the rear mirrors of their vehicle, on the other side of the triangle of location point; Simon was opening a tin of black shoe wax.

He dips his two fingers inside the tin and is making straight line marks on his face, then brushes wax off with a wet towel and places another direction of shoe wax once more.

Mage walks in to see Simon using shoe wax, "ok to adjust war paint to your face contours but do not forget we will end up without if you use it all."

Simon turns around, "Do not worry, I am almost done."

Mage looks at him from the chair. He places his feet on the table and inspects Simon's face, "Well done, you look great."

Simon Says, "Let's show them northern European mind games."

Mage, "Well better than Ignacius painting black only his eyes and his lips."


Two weeks after the disappearance of the Police Chief with his driver and FE Blond resuming powers of his nation, now he is Excellency Blond and is making an appearance with his financial donors in a government owned golf course. 

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