Crimson Island

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Early in the morning Ignacius wakes up other two fugitives to ask them if they agree to train for an important mission for their freedom.

Their names were Bob Jumbo and Dylan Mambo and were eager to start their firearms training with Simon.

The same day Bob told Simon he knows well about masochist FE Blond fashion for fetishism and about eminent torture chambers he likes to get his way.

Later in the day, the training starts and Lord Ignacius takes a cup of fresh water, "Now I miss well our Reno Marihuana from Crimson Prison"

Simon, "I hear they made it well."

They start basic tactical combat training while moving across forest with the raised hand of Simon to the direction every second points their stick to a different side; with another hand gesture they take an aim on one knee.

Mage is observing them from above on the tree branch, having his sandwich and small bottle of water for his lunchtime.

They take lunch break too and Mage points them out on their timing and space control mistakes while they do point of contact training.

Bob Jumbo, "We are like Robin Hood and the boys now taking back from the Sheriff."

Ignacius, "We are little far from them since we do not have any money."

Simon, "how our dear Detective Simpleton is getting on without us."

Ignacius, "he is like a psycho. Do you remember him talking about four archangels, justice, and the rest of weird stuff."

Simon, "how he is planning and why our Vice-Commander draw urgent request to assist him with this mission."

Ignacius, "Yeh we are on a mission impossible déjà vuuuu."

Simon, "I see Crimson werewolf awuuu."

Ignacius, "While coopers of Gothminster arresting a werewolf of capital awwuuuu out of their vans," they all laugh at a good joke.


Then later on the day Detective Simpleton was sitting at home and staring in his old painting made from white and black paint.

He never could understand why inherited this painting but he admires day break shadows covering their oil point adding more texture in his living room when Archangel dissents from the sky.

The Archangel closes its black wings and kneels before him, "We have another message for you about apocalyptical justice", Mr Simpleton places his cup of tea and swallows the remaining drop of tea in his mouth.

Simpleton makes a religious gesture and speaks to one of Archangels, "I was fine four weeks ago running my independent agency but four of you guys had to wake me up in a middle of the night about pending disaster and now I have to run errands for you guys like a madman around here."

Archangel with a deep voice announces the message for our Detective Simpleton, "You should know the skies above are pleased you assist us and would like to let you know you must head two o'clock outside Gothminster House of Lords to serve the justice to be continued."

Simpleton takes his check coat and pair of his glasses, "You guys cannot be told difference by looks nor by sound of voice, and always points me in a direction with another mosaic before I leave."

Archangel claps its large wings and before it leaves he says, "Much appreciated from skies above".

Our Detective heads off when he purchases a ticket on a tram and joins aboard to the direction of the Houses of Gothminster stop; while a missing prison transport is heading to the same direction.

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