Do you say Sakai?

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The team loaded their assault rifles and wore full assault gear Simon Says said to them before the last mission together.

"Tonight we load some timber and it will be tonight they will remember."

The team left seeking revenge for the entire nation with only two faithful nationals who escaped their prison.

Our Detective Simpleton was home relaxing because he knew it would shake the nation about justice served before Crimson King and his country were taken for ransom.

"You hear us guys, we take no prisoners and kiss them hard with our slugs."

"Yes, we fock them hard like our first and last love."

"Roger, we closed our radio channel. We start work."

The Tvart Way 10 had an urgent office meeting they called Snake, where all official heads of government had to complete strategic planning to resolve the crisis their nation experienced after their Bank of Sinisters lost state secrets, including valuable assets.

The time outside our Bob and Dylan the Demolition Brothers cut the throats of a couple police officers standing guard at the rear post.

"We are like a couple cut throats."

"Yeh and a very low rent."

Meanwhile, once blood did not finish leaking out officers' throats, the major assault team made their way to the main entrance because time was the key to essence in operation the Black Edge they were preparing in the former abandoned military facility the Black Site.

Once they stormed into the building, Bob dropped a bag of plastic explosions close to the electric generator for the team captain to detonate it and turn off the power supply, creating a blackout.

When they opened the last door and murdered the last guards, they shot dead all the secretaries of Crimson state.

"What do we do with this woman?"

Simon Says without further talk fired two slugs in His Excellency Blond chest.

"You give her a good fock."

When Mage walks in to inform he has secured the escape route perimeter, he can see Simon sitting in the highest ranked government officials chair smoking a cigar. Ignacius is pumping his mast through the open zip in His Excellency wife between her spread while she is rubbing her arms on his flag vest and kissing his neck.

"You guys make me sick every time I let you take control."

He splashes her blood and part of brains over Ignacius' face.

"I was about to do her in. Simon said she is a great joy ride."

"Well, I finished for you. You can close your zipper or if you love corpses go ahead while we head home."

He stood up, zipped his crotch and spat down. "I think we are done here."

Simon places his cigar and picks up his CAR 15 make rifle.

"She was just a joy ride, let's move on, brothers. We need a real future to catch."

"I would rather live a moment than think anything is greater."

"Well said Ignacius."

"Thank you, our Captain."

He saluted our Mage. And they took an escape route to take cover and lie low before Detective four archangels will make a miracle they were waiting for.

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