Act 5B

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I slide down the metal chute. In the distance, I can see a faint light. What the hell is that?

The journey down is long, but I eventually find myself at the bottom. "Oof!" I let out, landing on a dusty mattress. I stand up, brushing the dirt off my clothes. What is this place?

The room is huge, with a cold concrete floor, illuminated only by candles attached to the stone walls. This place is definitely bigger than the basement, but it feels just as empty. I can also see tons of racks of cheap-looking Party City costumes, and posters for musicals and dance programs I'd never heard of.

"Hello...?" a voice calls out from the lingering darkness. Heart thumping, I ready my hammer to defend myself.

A figure approaches me. "Jacob, is that you..?"

Her voice, it's... familiar. "Glenda?" I ask.

She comes closer and I can finally see her face in the light of the candles. Then, she hugs me tight. "Oh, Jacob, I knew you would save me!" I feel like running back to Louis now.

"G-Glenda... what the hell are you doing here?" I ask.

"Oh, Jacob, Louis kidnapped me and trapped me in this wretched room," she swoons, sighing dramatically.

"Same, how long have you been here?"

"I've lost track of time, to be honest. He's been making me curl his hair in exchange for food."

"Glenda... do you know how to get out of here?" I ask in desperation.

"Well, there is one way out of here... but alas, it is a place I cannot follow..."

"Sure, yeah, whatever, where is it?"

"First... you must kiss me!"

I take a step back. "Ok, thanks, I'm gonna climb up the chute now," I say.

"Noooo, Jacobbbb, I didn't mean it! Ok, look, there's a ladder behind the Little Shop of Horrors puppet. I can't leave because of reasons. Just... go," Glenda says.

I walk behind the giant plant puppet, and sure enough, there's a ladder.

"Where does it lead?" I ask.

"The kitchen."


I take another moment to look at my surroundings. There's a large table with tons of occulty-looking things, like cards, potions, and the like. I see a framed photo of a boy. He looks familiar, but I don't have time to look at it closer.

"Now shoo, get, go!" Glenda says, ushering me to the ladder.

I grab it and climb up.

There's a hatch up there, leading to a dark and cramped place. I can only assume it's Louis's pantry because it smells like old vegetables and ramen packets. I peek through the cracks of the pantry door. No sign of Louis. Where did he go?

I opened the door and walked out the pantry, still looking around in case I hadn't spotted him yet. When I was sure he wasn't around, I looked around the kitchen for something to help me. I gasp in excitement when I see something on the wall--a telephone! "This is too good to be true," I think, but I don't care. I'll take any chance I can get to get out of here.

I dial 911. "Pick up, pick up, pick up...!" I whisper-yell.

"Found you!" a voice shouts behind me. I yelp. I know just who it is.

"L-Louis, I--!"

"Save it. you're coming with me. You've had enough excitement for one day."

I slowly turn around, a feeling of hopelessness rushing through me. and then, I see him. I gasp in horror.

Head to toe, Louis was covered in hair. He's wearing a sort of cloak to hide his body, but I can still see the fur coating his skin. He's also much larger than usual, and his teeth are razor-sharp.

"Aw shit, you're a fucking werewolf? That's the twist?!"

"I'm not a werewolf, I'm cursed!" he shoots back.

"I can see that!"

He grabs me and carries me over his shoulder. "Let me go!" I scream. He takes me back to the basement. Back to square one.

But just as he reaches the door, he suddenly stops. I can hear him say "Huh?" then drop me to the floor before falling flat on his back himself. I stand back up, still shaking. I feel like my lungs are about to collapse. There's a tranquilizer dart stuck in his neck.

I look up to see... a figure in a white dog costume. A furry? The dog takes off her head to reveal...

"Charlotte?" I say.

"Jacob!" she says. "Come on guys, the coast is clear!"
I look over at the front door, which used to be boarded shut, now broken in. It must've been forced open while I was struggling with Louis.

Many more people in fursuits come in, most carrying guns like Charlotte's.

"Are you alright, Jacob?" Charlotte asks.

"I... um, yeah..." I answer, confused.

"Let's get you out of here..." she says, ordering a fursuit to escort me away.

The rest of my day was spent at some kind of secret facility. They call themselves the "Spy Dogs," a special task force of furries sent to save civilians from situations like what I'd experienced. Apparently, Charlotte is their leader. I'd never known.

Somebody opens the door to the office I'd be placed in. "How're you doin, champ?" Charlotte asks.

"Oh, I'm fine, thanks. Um, thanks for saving me... I don't know what came over him... and what's up with the whole werewolf thing going on?"

"Honestly, we don't know. We've got him sedated and we're running tests on him as we speak. So far, nothing can explain what happened to him. It's almost like... magic."

"I see... and what about Glenda? Were you able to save her too?"

"I'm sorry, but we couldn't find Glenda anywhere. We checked under the bed like you said, but there was no trap door to be found. Maybe... you were just imagining things? It's understandable, given what you had to live through."

"No... no, I certainly saw Glenda! She showed me how to get to the kitchen from the room under Louis's bed! I know I saw her!"

"Well, I don't know what to tell you, Jacob. she wasn't there."

I sigh. I know I'm not crazy.

"I'll go get you some coffee. Just relax, ok?" she says, getting up to leave.

I don't know what happened at Louis's house. Every day, I have nightmares about it. The basement, Glenda's chambers, Louis's terrifying figure. What does it all mean? Somewhere deep inside... I know I need answers. and I know... I'll never get closure.


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