Choice 1: Take the broken glass and try to jump him

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TW: DubCon/Dubious Consent: kissing;

It's the spur of the moment. I don't know exactly what I was thinking--was I even thinking? I grabbed the shard of glass and lunged at him with all my might, trying with all my strength to stab him. Maybe if I could kill him, it would get me a better chance of escape.

However, he was stronger than I had anticipated, throwing me back against the wall. Before I could do anything about it, my head hit the stone wall with tremendous force, and I fell unconscious.

Images flash across my mind as I drift in and out of consciousness. I'm sore all over; I must have been out for quite a while. My head pulls itself up, but it's very hard because I'm so dizzy.

"You're awake," I hear him whisper. I grumble, having no energy to talk back.

"I hope you're happy. After that stunt you pulled, I had no choice but to tie you up and sit you in that chair. Don't worry, it's one of those comfy, cushiony dining chairs. I bought it just for you!~"

I don't know what to feel at this point. I'm completely empty. I say nothing.

"Well, I'll just have to keep an eye on you from now on... I wouldn't want you trying anything like that again."

"L...Louis..." I breathe out.

"Yes, my love?"

"You... you can't just keep me here forever... I'll need to eat... and sleep... and use the bathroom..."

"Oh, I got that covered! I've got plenty of food here in this freezer, and I can just sleep here with you, and as for the bathroom, well..."

I almost asked him what he meant by that, but then I moved my leg a bit and felt... a crinkly paper texture in my pants. He... didn't stuff my pants with napkins... fuck.

I've got to get out of here... but how? He's going to stay here with me every moment of the day now... what am I going to do?

I can hear bass guitar music. He's playing me a song. "I call this one... My Jacob," he says. It sounds pretty good, to be honest, but very tasteless.

I've lost track of time, but he must've gone through at least twelve songs now. They all sound the same, but with different lyrics, spanning from falling in love with Jacob, dating and marrying Jacob, and... many more. He's about to play another when my stomach growls.

"Oh boy... you must be so hungry!" he says. I can hear him getting up to walk over to the freezer he was talking about. Is he really going to feed me frozen food?

"Here you go, my Jacob! Here comes the airplane!" I reluctantly open my mouth, even if I can't see what he's feeding me. It tastes awful, like spoiled fish, but with a touch of freezer burn. It's horribly cold, but I gulp it down because I don't feel like starving. Louis gulps some down, too, seemingly all in one bite. I'm astonished.

I cough. "Louis, I..."

"Yes?" he says, moving an inch away from my face.

"I just wanna say... I think you're really cute... I shouldn't have rejected you all that time ago..." I lie to him. Maybe if I butter him up, I could trick him into letting me go.

"You... y-you really mean that?" he says. His breath is like dog food.

"Of course... but, um..."

"But what, my love?"

"I just don't think you're... getting it."

"Getting what?" he asks.

"Well... this isn't how you ask a boy like me to date you. I mean... I can't even see your face, or hold your hand."

"Jacob... you can't trick me. I'm not letting you go."

"I swear it's not a trick... maybe if you, you know, loosened my bonds, we could get more acquainted."
He thinks for a moment.

"Kiss me," he says.


"Kiss me. If you really love me, then kiss me. Right on the lips."

"Um... how about on the cheek? I'm not much of a lip kisser."

"No!" he shouts, causing me to gasp at the sudden burst of rage. "It's got to be on the lips! That's what she-- ugh, nevermind. If you want me to let you go, just kiss me on the lips. And you gotta mean it or it doesn't count."

"Um... u-uh... yes, of course, Louis..." I stammer. "Ok, here it goes..."

I lean forward, puckering for a kiss. I can feel his lips on mine now. He needs to shave. Our lips attach and I uncomfortably hold them there until the kiss is over. I hate kissing.

Louis steps back for a moment "...Liar!" he yells.
"Wh-What?! N-No, of course I love you! Please, Louis, just give me another chance! I-I haven't really kissed anyone before a-and..."

He slaps me on the face, growling like some kind of animal. My chair falls down and the other side of my face hits the concrete floor. He picks me up and sets me back down.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that..." he says, calming down. "Sometimes, I just get... so... angry..."

"I-It's no problem, Louis..." I reply, trying to get back on his good side.

There are tears in my eyes and blood coming from my mouth. My lip must be busted right now.
"S-So... how about we talk about why you're so angry..." I say after a long and awkward pause.

"I'm good, thanks," he says, gritting his teeth.

"Ok, ok... well will you at least tell me why you haven't ever turned on the lights? I can't see you at all."

"I... can't answer that either... you won't understand. You'll be... afraid."

He says this as if I'm not already afraid of him.

"Humor me," I say, faking a loving smile.

"...Very well. I've got nothing else to lose," he responds.

"Go on."

"I... was cursed."

"Cursed!" I say, in half shock, half disbelief.

"It sounds crazy... but it's true. and... I was turned into some kind of monster. That's why I must never turn on the lights... you can't see me like this!"

I'm lost for words. A monster? I guess that could explain why he was able to overpower me so easily.

"That's silly," I reply. "You can't be that ugly."

"I'm hideous!" he exclaims.

"Show me."

There's a very long pause. He seems to be contemplating whether he should show me his face.

"Ok... don't scream."

I can hear him walk toward the light switch. I close my eyes in anticipation of the light.

I slowly open my eyes. The light hurts my eyes. When they finally adjust, he's standing in front of me. The first thing I notice is his height. He's so much taller than what I remember. He's wearing a greyish green cloak that covers most of his body. When he pulls up the hood, I gasp as he reveals his face--his eyes are like those of a dog, and so are his sharp teeth. He's covered head to toe in fur!

"So... what do you think?" he asks.



Choice A: "You're beautiful"


Choice B: Say nothing


Choice C: "You're hideous"

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