Act 3

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It's been a month now. All hope that someone will come and save me has been expelled from my mind.

Louis has been rather angry lately.

I can tell because instead of classic rock, he's been playing jazz on his bass guitar.

I hate jazz.

He's never hit me, or outwardly snapped at me.

I think he's been bottling it up.

One day, in a characteristically bad mood, he rants to me about the students at school and how he wants to commit murder. I wouldn't put it past him.

To my surprise, he suddenly hits something onto the floor. It sounds like glass, and it breaks on the floor. He's mumbling to himself, words too rapid for me to comprehend. He sounds erratic.

"L...Louis...?" I say, finally a little worried.

"Yes?" he says excitedly, as if he were waiting ages for me to say a word. I don't know what else to say, so I say nothing. "Please... Jacob... my Jacob... speak to me..." I roll my eyes.

"Louis... just let me go... I'm literally going to die..."

"Jacob... you shouldn't use "literally" in this context. It's not good English."

"Wh...when did you start caring about that?"

"I.... I wanted to get better grades... for you, my dear~"

"Louis.... you're a fucking dumbass."

Suddenly, he throws another object across the room, hitting it on the basement wall next to me. I flinch in fear.

"S-Sorry, Jacob, it's just... sometimes I get so angry..."

I know I should be afraid of him, but something about him intrigues me... Maybe it's how mysterious he chooses to be... Ever since he chained me up in this basement, he never turned on the lights, so I never got to see his face. Is he, perhaps... hiding it? But no, I've seen his face before, and there's nothing wrong with him. It just... doesn't make sense. And that's what's so attractive to me.

I snap out of my thoughts to the sound of Louis turning on the radio again.

"Mm, I love this song..." he says as he turns on pure radio static.

Needless to say, I'm concerned.

"Uh... yeah..." I say, uneasily. My stomach growls.

"Oh, silly me, I forgot to make dinner!" Louis says.

"Be right back, dear!" He walks up the stairs again and out the basement.

Despite my feelings for Louis, I can't help but feel a sense of dread. I'm going to die here I think. I can't live like this, locked up like an animal. I pick up my arm, held down by a metal shackle. It's a bit rusty, so it grates on my wrists. I just need... something to break it, or cut it somehow. then, I could escape this wretched place.

And then I remember... he broke something. Something glass. It probably won't cut into my shackles, but it's worth a try.

The basement is dark as ever. I can't quite see it, but I feel around and soon touch something sharp. I almost yelp in surprise. Grabbing it, I take it in my hand and try to cut into the shackle. It's no use.

I feel around for anything else. My hands come across a box. It's metal. I try to open it, but it seems to be held closed by some kind of plastic, probably a zip tie. I gasp, an idea coming to mind. In my right hand, I take the broken glass, then I use it to open up the box.

In the box, I can feel a few items, but I can't tell what they are. That doesn't matter now. Maybe there's something small enough to pick the lock on my shackles.

I take something out of the box. It feels like a bobby pin. Perfect. I jam it into the lock and manage to free myself. I am overjoyed, but this is no time to celebrate. I need to escape before Louis returns with "dinner" again.

My legs are jelly, as I haven't stood up for about a month. I grab onto a table nearby and go from there. Perhaps there's a light switch on the wall.

But wait... I can hear footsteps! Heart racing, I throw myself back onto the floor and put my shackles back onto my wrists. It's mentally painful, but I don't want to risk anything. The handle wriggles and the door opens.

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