Choice 2: Lie about the box

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"Well, I think you might have broken it, Louis... You must've thrown it across and it broke on the wall," I lie.

"But... there was a zip tie on it... It looks like it was cut."

"I don't know about that, Louis, It was like that when I discovered it."

I can feel him staring at me, examining my facial features. How can he see so well in the dark? I can barely see anything, and I've been stuck here for a month.

"Um... I could use water. I'm thirsty, Louis."

"Oh, right! Be right back, my Jacob!"

Louis suddenly leaves to get some water. I sigh, sweat on my brow.

I get back up, still wobbling on my weak feet. Again, I grab onto the table next to me and pull myself towards the wall. There must be a light switch somewhere...

I feel something on the wall and I'm delighted to discover that it is indeed a light switch. I close my eyes before turning it on--my eyes haven't adjusted to light, and I don't want to hurt them.

I take a moment to gather myself before slowly opening my eyes. I can see again! Damn, this is an ugly basement.

I quickly look around for something that I can use in my escape. There's plenty of tools on the table. I pick up a hammer to defend myself.

I also go over to the box I'd opened. It's got a bunch of bobby pins and... a curling iron. I pick that up too, not so much as a tool in my escape, but more as a souvenir.

I look at the stairs and wonder what could be behind it. Would I be caught? Slowly, I walk up the stairs and open the door.

It's a normal kitchen. I don't see Louis around anywhere. Wasn't he supposed to be getting me water? Bitch.

I walk over to the front door. It's bolted shut and boarded over. No good. Why would he do this? Has he been leaving the house at all?

I hear something. it's coming from nearby, probably the bathroom. I'd been in his house before, so I know the general layout. Panicked, I look around for someplace to hide. Under the table, I think. I hide under the horrible tablecloth.

Footsteps approach. I'm terrified, but I remain silent and immobile.

"H-Huh?!" I hear Louis shout in confusion. He probably noticed the open basement door. I can hear him entering the basement and I take this opportunity to make a run for it.

But where can I hide?


choice I: the bathroom


choice II: the bedroom


choice III: attack Louis

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