Choice B: Say nothing

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My eyes rest on him, seemingly forever. I'm completely lost for words.

"Well?" he demands.

I say nothing.

"I told you... I'm a monster," he sighs.

"Th-That's... not true. you're still you," I reassure.

"No... I'm not me. That's the thing. And the only way I can be myself again is to have a true love's kiss. And... the only person I really love is..."

He turns around sadly. I stare at him, then look to the floor. He really does love me, huh. What a funny way of showing it. And yet, I kind of empathize with him. It must be Stockholm syndrome, or pure delirium, or whatever, but I genuinely feel pity for Louis.

"How... can I help?" I ask.

"You can't help me... you don't love me like I do you..."

"You don't know that."

Louis turns towards me again. "What?"

"Louis. Let me go. Even if I don't love you, I'm sure I can help you in some other way."


"Louis, please. there's no use in keeping me here anyway."

His eyes shakily examine me, still tied to the chair. I look back at him.

"Fine," he says, reluctance in his voice. He walks behind me, ripping through the rope with his claws.

I stand up. "Thank you," I say. I'm free once more.

"Yeah... so now what?" Louis asks.

"Now... we find some other way to break the curse."

"And how are we gonna do that?"

"Well... how were you cursed in the first place? Maybe going back to the source could give us some clues."

Louis sighs. "It's no use. She's probably long gone, the witch who cursed me. I'd, um, well... made a mistake."

"A mistake?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Just a small one... I'd rather not say what it was... but the important part is that she was totally unfair! We got into a fight, and it got so intense, she blocked me on Instagram, but not before she cursed me and, uh, this happened."

I nod in artificial understanding. "And this witch... what is her name?" I ask him.


I almost choke.

"What?" he asks in confusion.

"Nothing, nothing..." I answer.

Louis keeps looking at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, wait, and you talked to her in person? Like, for real?" I ask.

"Um, yeah. What about it?"

"Err, uh, I'll tell you later..."

Ayumi was a character that my friends Claus and Gray created to catfish Louis. She's not supposed to be real... but now Louis says that he talked to her in person? This is fishy... very fishy.

I'm just about to interrogate Louis a little more when I notice something... a door on the wall, right next to the freezer. Was it there before? I could have sworn the only door in this room is the one at the top of the stairs, but now... there's just this mysterious-looking door standing ominously.

"Louis... where does that door lead?"

"Huh? What door?"

He turns around. "What the...?" he exclaims.

"You noticed it too, then. That door wasn't there before. It just... appeared."

"Wh...what does it mean?" he asks.

"I don't know, but... maybe it's connected to this curse."

We both exchange glances and slowly approach the door. It's painted white and kind of old looking, like an antique. It doesn't match with the rest of the doors at Louis's house.

"So... do we go in?" Louis asks.

"I think... we have to."

I grab the door handle and twist. It's locked.

"Shit..." I say. "No good, it's locked."

"Step back," Louis says.

I let him get in front of me and watch him as he ferociously rams into the door. I don't expect anything to happen, since it's definitely a magic door, but to my surprise, it caves in to the pressure.

"Damn..." I say.

"It's nothing," he responds, walking inside.

It's dark in there, but I can barely see some light in the distance. I walk in after Louis. If he's not dead, it's probably safe in there.

"What is this place..." I say.

"I... have no idea..."

The room must be large, as there's a big echo whenever we talk. I can see a few candles on the walls. It looks like a hallway of some sort.

"Well, let's keep going," I reply. "No use standing here forever."

We walk down the corridor. The farther we go, the better the lighting is. I can now see... posters on the wall. Posters of musical theatre and dance shows. I've never even heard of these shows... they must've flopped or something.

Farther on, we discover a labyrinth of clothing racks, All with cheap-looking costumes. The tables around us are covered in props. One table, though, stands out to me. It's covered in strange occulty things, like spellbooks and potions and the like. They seem... way too real.

"Hello?" I call out.

"I don't think anybody's home. Look at all these cobwebs," Louis says.

He's right... but to be fair, they do set the mood.
The place is quiet except for our echos. But then, out of the blue, I hear something. It's faint but it's definitely... footsteps.

"L-Louis... do you hear that?" I whisper.

He nods, involuntarily walking in front of me to guard me.

The footsteps are getting louder and louder... they're coming from the darkness, on the opposite side of where we came from. I hope to God they're friendly... a face emerges from the shadows, and then a voice. "Jacob? Louis?" It sounds familiar...

[Go to Act 5A]

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