Choice II: The Bedroom

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There isn't much time. I bolt for Louis's bedroom, something I never thought I'd ever be doing.

Once I'm inside, I quietly shut the door and lock it. I look around. His room's a mess as ever, but even more so. I'd hoped to find the window, but it's boarded up just like the front door.

I look at my hammer, then back at the window. Hatching an idea, I use the hammer to remove the boards. I've got to do so quietly, or I might alert Louis.

The boards are down. I'd hoped to find glass, but it seems that Louis's installed metal bars on his windows. When did he do that?!

I sigh. There's no escape, but at least I'm safe for now. I sit on his bed, which is quite dirty, and I could have sworn I felt fleas biting me. I feel something under the blanket, something hard and rectangular. A diary?

I open up the book. There are some odd stains and sticky spots here and there. I feel a little uneasy.

The first page is normal enough (for Louis, anyway) so I skip a few. There's a lot of crude drawings of anime girls and sheet music for bass guitar. And then, probably somewhere in the middle, I first notice my name. I can't help but smile. It's innocent enough, just him talking about our friendship. This must be sometime in middle school.

But more and more, I begin to notice my name being written more frequently, until the pages are filled with nothing but descriptions of me, stories detailing things that involved me, both true and made up. I saw drawings of me, too, some of them he'd even shown me once. And is that... my hair taped into the book?

I read one passage. "I'm going to ask him out today during band. I don't know how it'll go, or how I'll ask him, but I hope I don't screw it up. I hope... he'll be my Jacob," it says. I feel a shiver crawl down my back.

I remember that well. We were in band together, ninth or tenth grade. He started out joking about how he was sad he couldn't get many girls. I laughed. and then he said, in a half-joking way, "Do you wanna date me?" He was chuckling a bit, but I could tell he was being serious. I let him down gently, but he seemed perturbed for the rest of the day.

I turn the page. "He... He rejected me. I knew it, I knew I shouldn't have started out saying I couldn't get any girls! Now he must think I'm a douche... I've got to fix this. I've... I've got one more trick up my sleeve." What does he mean by that? Before I can read any more, I hear something outside the door. Footsteps. I stop what I'm doing and look around for a hiding place.

His closet is a mess--I couldn't possibly fit inside. I drop down and hide under the bed, taking the diary with me. The doorknob wiggles and wiggles, until I can hear the door break off its hinges.

"Where are you?!" He screams. He sounds monstrously angry, now. I'm shaking, almost crying, but I manage to stay quiet enough for him not to detect me. His pounding footsteps circle the room. He first checks the closet, but he doesn't find me. I just hope he doesn't check under the bed.

He steps a little closer to the bed, so move a little in order to stay hidden. As I do so, I can feel something metal, like a hinge of some kind.

A beeping sound goes off in the kitchen. Something must be smoking. Louis growls, then exits the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

I let out another sigh of exhaustion and relief. I decide to examine the metal hinge thing.

I feel around a bit more and discover some kind of handle for a trap door. I open it up, some light coming out from down there. It looks like some kind of chute, but to where? There's only one way to find out.

End of Act 4

Go to Act 5B

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