Part 17

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The plan was to lay low for a while. Which of course, Mark couldn't do. He was hell bent on revenge against Jill, Matt Gibson, Hell the whole police force. I missed all of them, John, Amanda, Wesley, doctor Gordon, hell even Milton. He's been missing ever since the last warehouse was raided. My poor baby's out there somewhere, a stray again.

I was sitting at the small table in our new abandoned building. Well, new to me. Our newest test was on a man named Bobby Dagon. I was finishing up some last minute plans, when Mark cut me off by slamming a bag into the table.

"So what the hell is all this?" I asked, looking up at him over my book.

"Our insurance policy."

"Mark....what the fuck are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about it, just stay here and monitor the test."

He finally made eye contact with me.

"You're scaring me." I said quietly.

"You don't need to worry about me, kid. I'm gonna get you out of this."

"Who said I wanted out?"

"Okay fine, both of us out."

"You're still not listening to me, I want this. I want to be Jigsaw, hell I AM Jigsaw-"

"Just stop, Veronica." I shut up at the sound of my full name. That's my cue that I'm in trouble.

"Okay fine, maybe a few more months in hiding won't be that bad." I mumbled.

"Yeah, something like that." Mark grabbed his gun and a few other things.

"You're gonna be monitoring this one by yourself. I'll be back soon."

"Alright." I squeaked in a small voice. Mark opened the door and was about to step out, when he turned back to me.

"I know this place is kind of....lonely. It isn't permanent." I gave him a soft smile.

"I know."

He started to walk away.

"Don't die."

"Same goes for you."

The test went off without a hitch. Well, if everyone dying meant "without a hitch". The only one I felt sympathy for was Joyce, she was honestly innocent. But Bobby needed a consequence if he didn't finish his test. And he got it. Of course, something had to go wrong. Mark scrambled through the back door of the abandoned house, clearly in a rush.

"What the hell happened?"

"I ended it. It's time to go."

"You mean you killed her?" Mark stood up from packing and looked me dead in the eye.

"Yes." I swallowed and made a decision.

"Alright." We each grabbed our bags, money, weapons, fake IDs.

"You know I hear France is lovely this time of year."


We set a fire to cover our tracks in the abandoned building, but we didn't even make it 3 feet before being apprehended. 3 men in pig masks got the jump on us, 2 against 3 isn't really the fairest match up. I felt a jab in my neck as whatever drug was in it started to seep into my bloodstream.

"You." Mark hissed, fighting the drug. One of the men pulled off his mask to reveal his identity. Lawrence Gordon.


"Just go to sleep Veronica." Wow, not creepy at all. But I didn't even have time to finish my thought before blackness took over.

I woke up feeling like I had spent the night on a concrete floor. Which I had, apparently. Looking around I realized I was still in the parking lot Gordon attacked us in. Mark, the masked men, and all our stuff was nowhere to be found. I had no idea how long I was out, judging by the sunrise; maybe 5-6 hours. Much longer than last time, what the hell did they stick me with? Was this on purpose?

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