Part 5

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John's been having me do more and more tests ever since the failure of my first. It honestly got easier with each one. No more tears or fear, I've just managed to numb myself to it. I'm having a hard time finding the good in what we're doing. I mean Jigsaw helped me, he freed me from my shitty dad and he rehabilitated Amanda. So, I'm doing the same thing right? I'm helping people? I still haven't managed to convince myself of it yet.

I've found it harder and harder to come up with new trap ideas as the weeks went on. I let out a frustrated sign and leaned back in my chair. John even gave me my own little work table. He's been the most focused on me, at least when it comes to trying to turn me into the new Jigsaw. It made me feel....special. I'm not used to adults paying attention or caring about me, even though we are building traps. Maybe I do want to become the new Jigsaw, but I'm gonna need guts to beat Amanda or Mark. No way they would be willing to share the title.

I tried to get myself out of my head with a short walk. John and Amanda were on one of their rare trips out and Mark won't get here until later. This is my one chance to slip away from this, even for just a moment. Pulling on a hoodie from the cold summer air, I slipped out the back door, making sure to leave it open a crack so I can get back inside. The leaves crunched under my feet like fresh snow and the wind whipped at the nap of my neck that was exposed by my pony tail. I would pull my hood up, but it's a good feeling. This is the coldest it's been all summer. Walking down different backroads and alleyways, I eventually found myself at a dead end. Well, that's the end of it I guess. I turned back to walk the way I came when something darted out the corner of my eye. Curiosity got the better of me, and I slowly approached where it had come. I crouched and was just about to remove a few boxes where it was hiding, when something black and fuzzy jumped out at me.

I landed on my back with the wind knocked out of me. The black creature stayed on my stomach and leaned into my face. "Aww, aren't you a pretty kitty?" I said petting it once I controlled my breathing. I picked him up and said, "No collar, must be a stray." I sat and petted the cat for a few minutes before I looked down at my watch. Shit, 5 o'clock, they'll all be back at the warehouse soon. I tried my best not to run and bring attention to myself but I was on a time crunch. I finally managed to get inside as I saw Mark's car pulling in the front of the building. I quickly sat down at my desk and tried to make it look like I hadn't just runned for my life back here.

That's when I heard the first meow. Shit, I looked over and saw the same black cat had followed me home. And I had stupidly kept the door open. I ran to shut the door and scooped up the cat. I could hear Mark's footsteps as I ran to my room corner and took an old cardboard box out from under my bed. I hid the cat inside and poked holes in the lid. I honestly should be in a world record book after that mad dash. But my next move was, indeed, my dumbest. And trust me, that is quite the competition I have with myself.

I decided my best way to make it look like I hadn't just hidden live contraband in my room, was to pretend to be asleep. I jumped in bed and pulled the covers up right as Mark walked in.
"John? Amanda? Ronnie?" He said confused walking around. Oh my fucking god I am an idiot, sleeping? Really Ronnie? That's the best plan you had? I heard him walk over to the foot of my bed.

"Uh hello? Earth to kid?" Mark said, shaking my foot. Time to put my acting skills to use. I slowly sat up and yawned, "Oh hey Mark, sorry I was just taking a nap." He lifted the covers off of my feet.
"With your shoes on?" Dammit, he's good. Okay, play dumb.

"What shoes?"


"I mean uh, it's for safety. You know, just in case you gotta move quickly. It's uh, something I had to learn in the system." Oh yeah Ronnie, play the orphan card, make he feel bad even if this is so fucking weird.

"Right...why don't you show me what you've been working on?"


I had managed to keep the cat hidden almost all night, when he decided he wanted to make the cardboard box his new pissing place. "Oh dammit." I said trying to wipe up cat piss at 1 am. The rag I had found on the floor was doing little to wipe up the urine, much less the smell. "Oh god Milton." That's right, I named my fucking cat Milton. Eat me. I knew I was absolutely screwed, no lube, when I saw a light turn on. Milton meowed and ran towards it. "Milton no, get back here!" I hissed quietly. I chased him on my hands and knees when I realized I had run into a pair of feet. And those feet had legs. And those legs were attached to a body. And that body belonged to one pissed off Amanda Young.
"What the fuck are you doing?" She snapped. I mean who can blame her, I woke her up in the middle of the night with cat piss.

"Is that a fucking cat?"

John walked in at this point, "What's going on girls?" I tried to reach Milton but Amanda grabbed him first. "Ronnie has a fucking cat!" John turned to me and I felt all my organs drop into my feet, possibly somewhere even lower, like Hell.

"Where did you manage to find a cat?"
"He came inside, I didn't mean to! He just came on in.....his name is Milton." I say the last part is even quieter than the rest.
"You named this fleabag?" Amanda said inspecting my cat like a weird government test gone wrong. I tried to snatch him back from her but she held her hands up and stuck her tongue out at me.
"Give him back!"
"If you want him, you're gonna have to get him!"

"Girls please that is enough." John said sternly, taking the cat back from Amanda. He handed me Milton and I snuggled into him. Maybe he really was worth getting into trouble.

"You can keep him under the condition that you can control him." John said as he turned to go back to bed.
"No buts Amanda"

As John disappeared around the corner, Amanda turned to me, "You have one ugly looking cat."
"And you have one ugly looking face." I shot back at her. She only scoffs and gives my cat one last pet on the head before turning away.

"Oh and just so you know," She said turning back to me, "There's some cat food in a bottom cabinet in the kitchen." I smiled at her, I didn't think she would take to Milton at all, much less offer him food. I went back to my bed and this time, Militon didn't have to sleep in a cardboard box.

The next morning came bright and early and I woke up to something hitting me in the face. Milton growled but snuggled up closer to me. "Wake up kid, you made the paper." Mark said, standing over me. I looked down at the unrolled newspaper on my stomach and read the title. "Local Man Found Dead at Grisly Jigsaw Crime Scene."

"What was this one of mine?" I asked excitedly.

"Yep, we finally released the story about Ryan to the press and they are eating that shit up-wait what the fuck is with the cat?" He asked, pointing to Milton.
"His name is Milton and he is my baby." I said proudly, petting a purring Milton.
"Hmm, I guess he's kinda cute-" Mark leaned over to pet Milton when he reached out a paw and clawed at Mark's hand, leaving three red scratches. Mark cried out and retracted his hand.
"Goddamn cat!" I laughed at this, I gave Miltion a scratch on the chin,

"Good boy Milton!" Mark rolled his eyes at me.
"Alright, train your attack cat later, we've got work to do."
And now, I've got an animal sidekick. Like a fucking James Bond Villian. But I wasn't a villain. I help people.


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