Part 13

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"So that Wesley kid was nice." I said, putting my pencil down. John looked up at me over his reading glasses. We were going through Eric Matthews' final test. I still have no idea where he was, but since proving John my loyalty; I'm back on the inside. Daniel wherever you are, please forgive me.

"I figured you two would get along, you won't be seeing much of them, however."
"What? Why not?" I was taken back in utter disbelief, it's like John lived to make me miserable. Every good, normal thing I have he yanks away.

"I'd prefer to keep some of my apprentice's separate, to keep tension down."

"But Welsey being around would actually make things better for me sooo."
"Only when necessary, and it's not necessary right now Veronica."
"No buts."
"Ugh, I hate you! I can't have one normal thing can I?" I shouted, throwing a screwdriver off of the table onto the floor. It landed with a clatter that all of Chicago probably heard. John gave me a look that told me I should go to my "room". I stormed off, I've been getting angrier and angrier as time goes on. And I have no idea how to control it. I screamed in frustration and threw my notebook onto my bed. In my fury, I had ripped out multiple pages and shredded them. Bits of inked paper were strewn around me in a circle on the floor. I collapsed in the middle, dead tired. Turns out, being mad at the world takes a lot out of you. I heard a voice outside my curtain.

"You done Ronnie?"
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine Detective." I rolled my eyes and avoided him as he pulled the curtain back. He sat down next to me and looked at the drawings I destroyed.

"You were really proud of those, why would you rip them?"
"Who fucking cares? I'll just make new ones later."
Mark huffed and slowly began to collect the scraps.

"You need to fucking control yourself." I huffed and looked up at him through my thick black bangs. I gave him the best glare I could, but I couldn't keep it up. I let my face fall, "I just wanna see them again. They liked the same music as me and...." My voice faded away as I realized I was getting nowhere, but then something changed.

"Maybe don't lose hope too quickly." Mark said flatly, handing me the torn up drawings. "In the meantime, fix these." Would he actually convince John to let me have a friend? Wesley of all people? He doesn't even like Wesley, why would he willing let them come around? Well, my questions were answered later that night. I was sitting on my bed, still deep into redrawing all my traps I ruined, when my curtain was once again pulled open in a rush.
"Get your shit together, Wesley's coming over."
I looked up at Mark in disbelief.

"I'm fucking sorry, what?"
"You want a friend or not? Get ready. They're staying with us overnight." My eyes shined bright as I felt my heart leap into my chest.
"Oh thank you! Thank You Thank You Thank You you are the best!" I shrieked, hugging him. I think I caught him off guard, because I could feel him stumbled back a bit. He put a hand on my head.
"Yeah, don't mention it kid." The 30 minute wait for Wesley to arrive was the most torture I think I'll ever be put through. And I was in a Jigsaw test.

"You're here!" I screamed, running up to him.
"See ya later Doc!" Wesley yelled back at the blonde man in the doorway in a stupid Bugs Bunny impression. But I couldn't help but laugh. I grabbed Wesley's hand, already ready to show them the new CD player I managed to slip out of the store down the road last week.

"Well, I guess the kids are going to have fun." Lawrence said, turning to Mark.

"This ain't a fucking playdate Doc."
"Look I know you don't enjoy my company but-"
"The only reason I'm even talking to you is for my kid."
"Your kid?" Lawrence laughed. Mark's face twisted in anger and turned red.
"Don't you fucking act like you know me, you know what I fucking meant-"

The Beginning of The EndOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant