Part 11

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This next chapter introduces my friends OC Wesley, a kid who's been adopted by Lawrence Gordon to become an apprentice. I'm not sure when or if they'll publish their story, but if they do I'll let you know. 

The first thing I knew when I woke up, is that I wished I didn't. I knew it hadn't been long since I fell asleep at dawn. Opening my phone, it was 9 am. A Sunday too. I scratched at the scabs that had formed on my arms from the needle pit, causing little pin-prick blood spots. I threw my legs over the bed, my feet meeting soft carpet. Right, Angelina's room. It was actually nice to be in a room that was pink and soft, not a lot of things in my life are pink and soft anymore. I saw a small cardboard box sitting at the front of the door, neatly folded closed. Opening it revealed all my worldly possessions I had left. Three pairs of socks, two pairs of underwear, two shirts, 1 book (Amanda probably took the fucking rest), my backpack, sketchbook, pencils, and something else. There was something new at the bottom of the box that I had never owned before. It was a small black bear with a small note pinned to his chest. "Helps with nightmares." I looked over at the closed door before hugging him close to my chest. It made me miss Milton. Amanda promised me he was in a safe place and she would bring him to me as soon as we had a new place to stay.

And if she hurts my fucking cat, I'll break a bitch's neck. I thought back to the little sleep I had gotten, full of thrashing and screaming. No crying this time, I haven't cried in a long time. Not since Ryan, I think. It was mostly anger now. Anger that people like fucking Xavier and Obi get to just roam around, hurting people while good people suffer. They all deserve it. They all can't be saved.

I packed everything up into my bag neatly before opening the door and peaking out. The small hallway carpet was a deep green color, like the forest I had seen on a school trip. I had gone home from that trip with a bloody eye from falling face down a small hill. Worst trip of my fucking life. I laughed at the carpet and made my way to the kitchen table Mark was already sitting at, newspaper in hand.

Well this isn't awkward at all. I sat down at the table, a bowl of cereal already sitting at my place.

"How did you know I like-"
"John told me, he said you're very picky with your cereals." He said not even looking up. He's right, I won't eat just anything. Just lucky charms, more marshmallows than cereal.
"Thanks for getting my stuff."

"Don't talk with your mouth full." I rolled my eyes, swallowed, and repeated myself.

"You're welcome, don't worry you'll be back with John and Amanda before you know it."
"It's not that bad." I mumbled, looking down at my bowl.

"You're right, you get to hang out with an old dude for three days, how fun."
"And John's what? A spring chicken?" Mark laughed at that.
"I guess not, well anyways you won't be the only kid for long."
"What, are you pregnant or something?"
"No, stupid, John's got another apprentice in the works. Kid about your age, being trained by Dr. Gordon."

I was silent for a bit and pondered over it.
"Are they nice?" I finally said.

"The new apprentice, are they nice?"
"I mean....I guess so. I haven't really met them yet."
I smiled down at my lap, "I hope they're nice." Mark gave me a warm, genuine smile.
"I'm sure they are, kid." We continued our own thing in silence, he read his paper and I ate my sugar monstrosity.

"Well I bet that kid Daniel sure was nice, since you decided to swap spit with him during the middle of the test." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Ronnie you knew way better than to become involved with Eric Matthew's son of all people."
"God, save me the speech dad."
"Hey, you're lucky it's from me and not John. I actually don't think interacting with someone your age would be the worst thing in the world, unlike John who would-"
"Put a reverse bear trap on my head, I know I know."
"Also, going after Xavier and being thrown into the needle pit, what the hell were you thinking?"
"He was going to fucking hurt Amanda!"
"Well you need to think about yourself! What the fuck was I supposed to have done if you had gotten yourself killed?"

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