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narrative, instagram:

jade was filming the video with james today. it's been a while since she's been on youtube, maybe a month? she was known for being inconsistent and it was an ongoing joke with her fans. except this time jade didn't have the motivation to film or edit at all. today that had to change.

the bright side to filming this video was one, jade got to hang out with her friends and meet new people and two, she was getting paid a pretty good amount.

but of course, this was another opportunity for all of the tea and hate pages to start something out of nothing with jade.

vinnie was also going to be at james' house. part of jade was really excited to see him again, but the other part of her didn't want to see him at all.

these past days guilt was taking over jades mind. there is no way i can already catch feelings for another guy. it's too soon. i do not like him. i do not like vinnie.

but she is seeing him today so might as well make the best of it.

per usual, jade was running late, it was already 6:20 and she was just now leaving her apartment.

15 minutes later jade arrived to the house and almost everyone was there. everyone besides vinnie.

"hey sorry i'm a little late! there was traffic," jade lied.

"no worries! we're still waiting on vinnie. we have orange and pink left which one do you want?" james asked.

"i'll take orange."

"okay the bathroom's over down that hall to your right."


as jade was in the bathroom changing she heard another persons voice who sounded like vinnie. jade took off her shirt and the door slammed open.

"oh shit!" vinnie yelled, wide eyed.

"what the fuck!" jade covered herself with her arms.

vinnie just stood there staring at jade in shock, "my bad i'll leave!"

"please do!"

"i'm so sorry!" vinnie said through the door, very clearly laughing.

that was my thirteenth fucking reason oh my god.

jade walked out the bathroom and vinnie was leaning on the wall.

jade walked out red in the face, "it's free now idiot."

"you're the idiot for not locking the door!" vinnie joked.


"you cant even say anything i'm right!"


"listen to the sound the door makes ready," vinnie walked in the bathroom and jade heard a click, "that's how you lock a door!"

the girl was already fed up, "i hope you flush yourself down the toilet."

"my ass is too fat! it won't fit!"

jade walked back to the group and grabbed a knife headband.

"what happened?" charli asked.

"vinnie walked in on me changing."

"oh nooo!"

a darkskinned girl wearing purple chimed in, "who did what?"

"vinnie walked in on her changing quen!" charli said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

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