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today was the day jade had to see alex again. he was coming over in 15 minutes to pick up his things that jade still kept of him.

jade knew that there were going to be many hard things about seeing alex. one being the fact that she'll have to be reminded of him and all the things he did. two, it would be extremely difficult for jade to not let her physical attraction for alex to get in the way.

the gomez had faith in herself, she knew she could get through a quick 10 minute meet-up.

gilmore girls was playing on jades tv as she was scrambling around her apartment looking for every last trace of whatever alex had left behind.

how could i see him again? jade asked herself. what am i thinking?

jade got lost in her own anxiety and thoughts, she barely heard the doorbell ring. she got up to open the door, and there he was. alex was wearing black sweatpants and a green hoodie. a green hoodie that jade had gifted him.

"hi," alex said.

"hey, uh come in," jade gestured inside.

alex sat on the couch, "gilmore girls, the usual." he laughed, trying to break the tension.

"yeah, you can sit there i'm just gonna get your stuff."

"oh okay."

jade came back into the living room with a box full of stuff, "here, you can go now."

"jade can we talk? please."

"i really don't feel like it. i'll help you take this to your car."

"please jade, just hear me out."

she sighed, "fine."

"jade i just hope you know how sorry i am. i shouldn't have treated you like that. amelie wasn't worth ruining our whole relationship over. i wasn't thinking while doing those things. please jade. you're my soulmate we both know it. i know that this whole thing will be hard to overcome but i still think we should give us another shot. i love you jade, please just give it some thought."

"are you kidding me?" jade laughed. "you're telling me that you put me through so much shit just for you to come over here as i'm trying to completely cut ties with you-"

"you know that you don't completely want to cut ties with me jade."

"let me finish! you come over here as i'm trying to end things completely with you, just to tell me that you did it just because you 'weren't thinking'? you really have the audacity to come over here and think that, that and a simple i love you will make things better? i cant believe you. alex, you have to be completely delusional to think that this, us, can be fixed in any way. you screwed it up now you have to deal with it!" tears were now running down jades face, the two staring at eachother.

"please alex, for the love of god, leave."

alex picked up the box and looked inside it, "you don't want to keep any of this?"

"no." jade sniffled.

the boy grabbed a locket out of the box, "i want you to keep this. please. i gave it to you so it's yours."


"don't be stubborn. please just keep it." alex placed the locket in jades hand.

the once, close and happy couple was now, separated and broken. alex leaving jade to pick up all the pieces.

they were communicating through eye contact, both of them knowing exactly what they wanted. after all, alex always finds a way to get what he wants.

their lips locked in a familiar way, comfort in knowing how eachother moved, how eachother felt. all it took was one kiss to make jade fall completely under alex's spell once again.

~UH OHHHHH. y'all know
what happened next 😏 also
i just noticed that i used the
same picture of nai twice in the
last chapter lmao oops. it was like
1 am when i wrote it.

𝐒𝐇𝐄 | vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now