Chapter 58

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Skip a few days. You are getting out of the hospital today which you are very excited about. You and Josh are both sitting on your hospital bed laughing and talking while Bryce is on the couch you have in your room on his phone when the doctor comes in.

Doctor: hi how are we doing today?
Y/n: great! I can't wait to go home!
Doctor: well everything looks good I just need Bryce to sign a few things up at the front desk before you leave
Bryce: sounds good
Doctor: and before I leave I say this in the nicest way possible I hope to never see you again

You all laugh.

Y/n: and I say this in the nicest way possible I hope to never see you again

You all laugh again.

Doctor: well i'll be on my way, nice meeting you y/n
Y/n: you too

He leaves the room and Josh turns to look at you.

Josh: you ready to go home?
Y/n: yep!
Bryce: then let's get going!

You go to get up but Josh stops you.

Josh: no you are not walking
Y/n: Josh i'm fine
Josh: nope, get on my back
Y/n: Josh
Josh: nope let's go
Y/n: i'm to lazy to walk anyway so ok

You hop on Josh's back and Bryce opens the door for you two. You guys go over to the front desk and Bryce signs some papers. When he's done you guys head out to his car. Josh places you down in the car and gets in right next to you while Bryce gets into the drivers seat. Bryce turns around in the drivers seat to look at you.

Bryce: do you need anything before we go? a blanket? water? food? are you comf-

You laugh a little.

Y/n: Bryce! i'm good! I just want to go home
Bryce: right right

He turns around and start the car up and drives away. You cuddle up next to Josh and go on your phone and scroll through tiktok. After a little while you finally get home. Josh gets out of the car first then you. Josh bends down and you laugh before hopping onto his back. Bryce opens the door and Josh walks in. When you get in Bryce turns on the lights and you see the group standing around with a welcome home banner. You hop off Josh's back and run over to them and hug them.

Y/n: thank you guys so much!!
Charli: welcome home bestie
Y/n: thanks
Quinton: how are you feeling?
Y/n: great! i'm so happy to be home
Bryce: I have to go but i'll be back soon
Y/n: ok

Bryce leaves. Josh comes up to you and wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him.

Mads: well, what do you want to do?
Y/n: movie!!!!
Jaden: you sound like a 5 year old
Y/n: you act like a 5 year old all the time so shut up
Jaden: you are so ann-
Charli: ok ok children let's calm down
Y/n: he started it!
Jaden: what?! no I didn't!
Y/n: yes you did
Cynthia: can we try not to make y/n upset the day she comes back from the hospital
Charli: yeah I agree
Mads: me two
Josh: same

Quinton is about to say something when Jaden interrupts.

Jaden: ok ok I get it
Chase: I swear you two act like siblings
Y/n: movie time!!

Josh picks you up and throws you over his shoulders and runs into the living room. You start laughing. He drops you on the couch and plops down next to you. He pulls you onto his lap and wraps his arms around your waist. The rest of the group comes in and sits down on the couch. You guys pick a movie to watch and start watching it. After the movie you guys are just talking when you hear the door open. You guys all go to see who it is. You're on Josh's back again. When you see who it is you hop off of Josh's back and run to them.


You give her a big hug and pull away smiling.

Addison: hey, how are you feeling?
Y/n: good
Addison: sorry I couldn't come when I found out you got shot I wanted to but I still had some work to do so I couldn't leave LA
Y/n: it's fine i'm just happy you're here
Bryce: like my surprise?
Y/n: love it!

You guys all go into the living room to talk for a little. After a while Addison and Bryce go out to dinner so it's just the group.

Y/n: ugh I have to go to school in 2 days
Charli: so do I
Y/n: yeah but you've already been all week when I was in the hospital but my mind is still on spring break
Josh: so is mine I haven't been in either
Jaden: yeah i'm surprised your parents let you miss school
Josh: me too but after they found out what happened they understood why I didn't want to leave you
Quinton: simp!
Josh: yeah and you aren't?
Quinton: shut up
Jaden: face it your both simps
Quinton: so are you
Jaden: what? no i'm not
Chase: let's face it, we are all simps
Y/n: so true

After a while of you guys just talking you order pizza. After you guys eat Bryce and Addison come home soon after. They hangout with you guys for a little before gong to bed. After they go to bed you guys watch another movie before deciding to go to bed as well. Josh pulls you close to him so your head is laying on his chest. You fall asleep pretty quickly since you were super tired from sleeping in a hospital for the past few days.

A/n: there is one more chapter then the epilogue then i'm done with this book! I am going to be writing another book soon so stay tuned for that!

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